Chapter 20

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The next morning

Louis was sitting on Zayn's backyard. Or, his old backyard. He didn't live here anymore, Singapore was his home now.

Singapore that was on the other side of the globe.

This was the first time Louis came back to Zayn's house after he moved away from London.

No one lived there anymore. No one wanted to buy it. The house wasn't even that great, a small detached house with no fence around it, but it had a barn behind it where Louis and Zayn used to spend most of their summer nights, smoking weed and talking about everything between Earth and Moon.

It was the best part of the house.

The house may not be fancy or big, but what was inside it and who used to live there made it just fine.

Louis missed those times. He missed his best buddy, he hadn't even heard from the lad since the call before he moved away. Louis had tried to shut those emotions away and tried not to think about Zayn and missing him.

To Louis, it felt like Zayn had abandoned him, even when Zayn had no say in what it came down to.

Right now Louis just needed a little time thinking of him.

To other people, it might have seemed like Louis and Zayn only hung out to smoke weed and do amfetamin together, and party of course. It was more than that.

They had talked a lot. Talked about everything, sharing thoughts and if something bothered the other or something was wrong, they would listen and comfort each other. They were real best friends, like brothers, but only the two of them knew how close they really were. Louis loved Zayn and Zayn loved Louis.

And now it was all gone.

Louis slept in the barn for the night, wrapped in Zayn's old blanket that remained. It even smelled like Zayn. He smoked the last weed that was left, it was like Zayn had left some on purpose, knowing Louis would come back there. He shed a tear for Zayn and thought about him.

Did Zayn even smoke anymore? Louis didn't know.


"Where have you been?"

Louis didn't even get a chance to take a breath when he came home that noon. His mum was right at the door, wrapped in a grey blanket and her eyebags were most likely sponsored by Louis himself.

"At Zayn's house." Louis muttered and kicked his shoes off, storming past Jay and heading to his room.

"Zayn's? He doesn't live in England anymore?"

"Oh, really?" Louis said sarcastically, slamming his bedroom door shut.

"Louis. Open the door," Johannah hummed through the door. "We need to talk."

"No, we don't." Louis disagreed and pulled his dirty jeans down and tossed them on the corner. The shirt, that smelled like smoke, was abandoned on the floor as well and Louis crawled under the covers of his bed. He never realized how comforting his own bed could be.

Jay opened the door and came in anyway, shutting it behind. She took a seat on Louis bedside, sighing. "We must discuss this like adults. No yelling or throwing stuff around. Just a normal converstation like normal, mature people? Okay?"

"Fine." Louis said quietly.

"Good." Jay smiled almost unnoticeably. "I didn't sleep for a second last night because you didn't come home last night after work and you didn't answer your phone. I tried calling Harry but he didn't know where you were and he didn't even sound like he cared."

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