Chapter 16

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Harry made his way to the Styles' yard and turned off the engine. Louis and him had been walking around Shoreditch for an hour and decided to go home because Louis' feet were hurting. As they had agreed before, Louis was staying at Harry's for the night, to avoid Johannah.

"We need to get a mattress for you from the warehouse." Harry informed and climbed off the car, Louis following his actions in silence. It was a little cold and foggy outside now and Louis was shivering.

Harry walked to the front door and went inside, coming back after two with a key, a yellow pineapple-shaped keyring hanging from it. Harry motioned to the small wooden door next to the garage and walked there, yet silence between him and the shorter boy.

"You're quiet." Harry stated as he unlocked and opened the squeaky door that led to a small, dark room filled with random stuff.

"Nothing to say, really." Louis shrugged and leaned against the door frame and watched Harry dig a light blue mattress from the warehouse.

Harry closed the door behind him and focused on Louis, "Everything alright?" he could easily tell if Louis wasn't okay.

Louis nodded slowly, "Yeah... do you think your mum will let me stay? Let alone let me in?" He asked quietly, looking down at the tiny rock his feet were kicking.

"Oh, Louis. Don't you worry about her, she won't mind." Harry assured, a smile playing on his lips. Louis worried about the stupidest things sometimes.

"Why are you smiling?"

"You worry too much. Come." Harry said and walked to the front door, Louis following his footsteps. Harry had a little struggle to get in with the quite big mattress, but he managed to get into the vestibule and strike down a vase from a drawer, breaking the old vase in pieces.

"Dammit.." Harry cursed and tossed the mattress onto floor. He shrugged his coat off and kicked his shoes off, heading to kitchen to get some cleaning supplies from the closet. Louis remained standing in the vestibule, not taking his jacket or shoes off.

"Harry. You're home late." Anne was sat on the kitchen table, reading a news paper. She was wearing glasses, not looking up at her son entering the room.

"Mum." Harry nodded and grabbed a dustpan from the closet.

"What do you need that for?" Anne glanced over to Harry and the items he was holding.

"Broke a vase." Harry said as if it was nothing, even though he knew that vase was a precious thing for Anne.

"That vase? Harry!" Anne exclaimed, taking her glasses off. "How? That's my favourite vase, Harold!"

"M'sorry. It was an accident." He left the kitchen and in a second, found himself collecting the white posline pieces from the floor.

"I should go.." Louis muttered, shoving his hands into the pockets. He felt a little uncomfortable and Anne didn't seem to be in such a good mood either, she would probably tell Louis off and send him home.

"You're staying, you agreed, remember?" Harry said and straightened his back, looking at Louis.

Anne showed up in the room, "Who's stay- oh. Louis." She said in a slightly disappointed tone. Anne's attitude towards Louis started really piss Harry off by now.

"Yes. Louis is staying for the night." He said, more to Louis than to his mum.

"Johannah agreed on this?" Anne questioned, crossing her arms.

"You could actually give her a call and tell right now. Oh, and here's your vase." Harry said, handing over the pieces of posline and remaining calm even though he was annoyed with his mother. Luckily he was much better at controlling his emotions and behaviour than Louis was. "C'mon, Louis." He mumbled and grabbing the mattress he made his way up the stairs, Louis following him in silence after he left his shoes downstairs.

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