Chapter 21

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Louis skipped that week's Community Service to spend some quality time with his mother. With a permission this time, though.

They went out for a nice lunch to a small Asian restaurant nearby their flat and did some shopping as well. Their budget had to be small because they didn't really have much extra money to spend, but Jay managed to buy Louis two new, dark and comfy sweaters that Louis really loved.

It had been a long while since the two spent time like this, talking about anything and everything and just being with each other. It was nice, neither of them didn't really have to worry about anything.

"Thank you, mum." Louis said after a short silence.

"What for, Louis?" Jay asked kindly as they stepped on an escalator.

Louis looked at Johannah, "For listening and accepting me as I am and not getting mad at me." He smiled a little.

"Louis. Of course I wouldn't get mad at you. You've done some dumb stuff but we've been there. And I love you as you are. I'm your mother and I'm happy to be."

"I'm happy having you as my mother as well." Louis murmured and leaned his head to Jay's shoulder until they had to exit the escalator.

They headed out of the crowded mall, "Anywhere else you would like to go?" Jay put her sunglasses on.

For once, it was a great weather out there.

"Not really no." Louis shrugged.

"Alright. Lets go home then."

As it wasn't that long way home, they decided to go on foot. Plus, it was a nice, sunny weather. For once.

Louis pulled his phone out of the pocket of his light blue jeans, no messages, no calls. Not like it suprised him, no one missed him anyway. As sad as it sounds.

"You haven't heard from Harry since Wednesday?"

"No." Louis sighed. He really did miss the curly. He just didn't know if he wanted to see Louis anymore and if he was still mad. Louis wasn't mad anymore, he just regretted everything he had said and just... missed Harry. So bad.

"I think you should call him or go and see him. I'm sure he's missing you too." Johannah encouraged her son. She could tell that Louis missed the other every second and she wanted nothing but happiness for him.

Louis sighed again, "I don't know.. I mean yeah, I want to see him and all but I'm just not sure what to say and if he'll still be upset. Besides, Anne doesn't want me there because I hurted Harry again. She never liked me anyway.."

"Just tell him that you're so sorry and you miss him and just be honest. I'm sure he will understand, and what comes to Anne, I will talk to her." Jay promised, giving Louis a nugde.

"Yeah.. Maybe I'll go over tonight." A tiny smirk creeped onto Louis' lips.


Louis walked down the street, over to Harry's house. He was wearing one of the new sweaters that was dark grey, with his usual jeans and shoes. He might have put a little cologne on and his fringe was looking a little more neat than usual.

He just wanted to look good for Harry. For once.

But his palms were sweating out of nervousness and a tiny little bit of him was afraid that Harry would slam the door at his face.

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, right?

He was getting closer to the Styles' household. He could already see their black roof above their neighbour's warehouse.

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