Wolfs Bane - 1

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Laura pretty much hid all of her investigation from my parents and from me. She always researched behind a close door, and always locked her research away. Mainly because she knew I'd try to see what she had dug up. I almost did.

All I saw was her hand writing on several sheets of paper. Derek, my parents and I have been trying to retrace her steps. Everywhere she went. We found something. One of the last things she ever did was visit Harris. Yes, Harris my chemistry teacher. Harris stayed after school late at night, so Derek went to talk to him. And by talking I mean threatening. 

I had to sneak out of the house and my parents had to stay behind because we're still being watched by the hunters. I told Scott and Stiles that I was going to take Derek's car to led the Argents astray and the joined. So while Derek is perusing the lead, Scott, Stiles and I distract the hunters.

"Faster?" I ask Scott and Stiles as I drive Derek chevy down the road. Scott was in the back and Stiles in the passenger. We were posing as Derek to lead the hunters away from his trail. They were right on our tail. "Much faster."

I grinned as I gripped the steering wheel. I had to admit this was kind of fun, the adrenaline rushing through me was everything. I put the car in gear and step on the pedal, going as fast as it can.

"You mind going a bit slower?" Scott complained from the back seat. I meet his eyes in the mirror with a questionable gaze. Is he insane?! "If I go slower they'll catch us, and then kill us!"

God Derek better hurry up and meet us at the rendezvous point. 

"They're gone." Stiles spoke from the passenger seat. "What!" If it wasn't for Scott not having his seat belt on I would have slammed the breaks. I looked behind me and saw that he was right. I couldn't see the SUV's headlights behind us anymore. Where the hell did they go? 

"Stiles check the radio." I ordered. I kept my eyes forward as I drove. 

He did as I said, grabbing the police radio and turning it on. "All units, suspect is on foot and heading into the iron works." Sheriff Stilinski's voice came through.

I growl, gripping the steering wheel. "Dammit!" I look at Scott through the mirror, "Put your seatbelt on." Scott quickly did that and braced the door for dear life as I put the car in shift and spun it around. I feel like I'm in a Fast and Furious movie. 

I heard the gunshots way before we even got there. Fearing what they've already done to my cousin or what they were going to do I pushed the car to it's limit. When we arrived at the iron works we spotted Derek crouched behind some crap, dodging the gunfire from the Argents rifles. Good lord they know Derek isn't the alpha I don't understand why they're still after us?!

I stop the car right in front of Derek, becoming the target of the hunters bullets. Better the car then him. Stiles moved to the backseat and I threw the passenger door open. "Get in!" Derek ducked from a few free flying bullets and jumped in the passenger sear.

"Took you long enough!" 

"Excuse me!" I exclaimed as I changed gears and speed off. "I'm the one who's been leading them away! It's not my fault you got caught!" Derek slammed an angry hand on the dashboard. 

"What part of 'laying low' don't you understand???" Scott questioned exasperatedly from the backseat. 

"Damn it, I had him!" Derek yelled pissed. Stiles, of course, poked his head through the back. "Who? The Alpha?"

Derek yelled impatiently. "Yes! He was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up." 

Stiles chuckled awkwardly. "Whoa! Hey, they're just doing their jobs--" He said in defense for the police. 

Derek replied sarcastically. "Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!"

"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott whined. "I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."

"All right. How did you find him?" Stiles exclaimed having enough. I looked over at Derek who didn't say anything and pursed my lips. "Derek, can you try trusting them?"

"Yeah, both of us!" Stiles exclaimed from the back. Derek glared at him and Stiles changed his tone. "Or, just him, or her. I'll be back here." He sat back down.

"Look, the last time Andrea talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris." 

Stiles again poked his head through "Our chemistry teacher?"

"Why him?" Scott asked.

I shook my head. "We don't know yet. Laura didn't explain everything to my mom." And she wouldn't explain anything to me either.

"What's the second?" I asked, directly to Derek. "There was no second." There was only the 1.

"Some kind of symbol." Derek said, pulling out from his pocket what looked like the sketch of a wolf. 

Scott made a face, like if he knew what it was as soon as he laid eyes on it.  "What?" I asked, taking my eyes off the road to look at him.

"You know what this is?" Derek questioned him. 

"I've seen it on a necklace." Scott answered. "Allison's necklace."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"This is gonna be impossible, you know." Scott muttered as we walked inside the school.

"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" I suggest even though it was highly likely she was going to.


"It's easy!" Stiles said. "You just say, 'Hey, Allison, can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it or in it that can lead me to an Alpha Werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you?"

"You're not helping." I say scolding Stiles. I think she would burst out laughing. I know I would.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Stiles suggests to Scott.

"She won't talk to me! What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something?"

"That's why you ease-- that's why you ease back into it, okay? Get back on the good side. Remind her of the good times. And then you ask for the necklace." as Stiles explained the plan, Scott looked up in a daze, oh god.

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at him. "You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Yeah." Boys.

"All right. Stay focused," Stiles said sternly, grabbing Scott by the shoulder. "Okay? Get the necklace. Get the Alpha. Get cured. Get Allison. In that order. Got it?"

That is a long list.

I patt Scott on the cheek, "You know. No pressure."

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