Heart Monitor - 3

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"Excuse me, sir?" Scott called out to Harris. "Uh, I know it's detention and all, but, uh...I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired."

Harris didn't say anything, going back to grading or whatever the hell he was doing.

Because of Stiles brilliant plan, we ended up getting detention. The boys sat together, and I sat in the lab table in front of them

"You knew I would heal."


"So, you did that to help me learn?"


"But partially to punish me."

Stiles nodded truthfully. "Yeah. Well, that one's obvious."

Scott sighed sadly. "Dude, you're my best friend, and I can't have you being angry with me."

"I'm not angry anymore."

He sighed and turned to look at Stiles. "Look. You have something, Scott, okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. So, that means you don't have a choice anymore-- it means you have to do something."

Scott nodded, "I know. And I will."

Yes, they made up.

"All right, you three-- out of here."

Wait, was that a small hint of a smile I saw?

"Thank you." Scott said as we all grabbed our stuff and headed home.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"This is a terrible idea." I exclaim loudly as I slam the car door shut.

Apparently, Derek kidnapped Scott's boss thinking that he is the alpha and now Scotts going to prove he's not the alpha by doing the most ridiculous thing. Derek is going to flip.

"Yeah, I know."

"But we're still gonna do it...?" Stiles questioned.

"Can you think of something better?"
Stiles shrugged. "Well, personally, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away..."

"Just make sure we can get inside." I crossed my arms when I saw Derek's Chevy roll up. "He's here."

Derek got out and we approached him. "You're a real special kind of idiot." I scold him. "Where's Scotts boss?"

"Hello to you too Isabelle. He's in the back."

We peered in the back and saw Scott's boss tied up unconscious in the back seat.

"Oh, well, he looks comfortable." I respond sarcastically. "Wait--Hey. What are you doing?" Derek called out when Scott and Stiles started making their way to the school.

"You said I was linked with the Alpha-- I'm gonna see if you're right."

When Scott and Stiles left, I stayed with Derek and slapped him like a teenage girl does with the flapping.

"Are you insane?! Mom and Dad are going to FLIP when they find out you kidnapped the towns VET!"

"He could be the alpha." Derek defended.

"And what if he isn't?" Derek opened his mouth to say something and closed it again. "Then I'm screwed."

I face palmed myself in annoyance. Stupid.

I go to yell at him some before when Scott howls (if you can call it that) through the schools P.A system.

I slapped a hand to my mouth to muffle my laughter. Oh my god. That sounded like- I don't know what it sounded like but that was not a howl. Actually, it kind of sounded like Chloes bark from 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua.'

"You've got to be kidding me." said Derek incredulously with his head hung low.

I clear my throat to settle down my laughter and became all serious.

"What if it isn't him? What do we do in the meantime?"

"Erase his memory."

I put my hands on my sides and laugh. "Really? Derek only an alpha can do that and in case you didn't notice but the guy's trying to kill us!" I exclaimed.

"Not after I kill him."

I look at him in shock. Oh my god. Killing the alpha would imply he becomes the alpha next. He has got to be joking. "Are you kidding me! I-"

I was cut off from the loud roar that shook the school. I don't know what to feel exactly. Part of me is proud that he managed a roar, the other part what's to slap him. Derek felt the same. Well, the feeling that he very much wanted to kill him.

While we waited for Stiles and Scott to come back, I kept arguing with Derek. "The Alpha took the time to cut Laura's body in half!"

The only reason I knew that was because well as a werewolf you can't actually just snap someone in half. That's ridiculous.

Derek sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. "The alpha didn't cut her in half."

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. "He didn't?"

Derek shook his head. "No, he didn't. The Argents did."

The Argents did what? "Wh- why?" I asked nearly on the verge of tears. "To lure me back."

Because they knew of Laura's status after Aunt Talia's death. And if she's dead, then there was a new alpha. They knew. They defiled Laura's body like that. And Argent had the nerve to- I close my hand into a fist.

Derek turned when the boys came out of the school, and he was fuming furiously when they approached.

"I'm gonna kill both of you!" He threatened. "What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?"

Scott looked at us sheepishly. He looked a bit embarrassed yet a bit excited. "Sorry... I didn't know it would be that loud..."

Stiles nodded excitedly. "Yeah, it was loud...and it was AWESOME!"

"Shut up." Derek ordered irritably.

"Don't be such a sour-wolf!" Stiles mocked. I slap myself on the forehead. Calling him a sour wolf was not the smartest idea and neither was calling the alpha. I shouldn't have gone along with it.

Scott looked in the backseat of the car and looked back at us.

"What'd you do with him?" Derek and I both frowned, "What?" I questioned, looking back at the car and saw that Deaton was nowhere to be found.

"We didn't do anything-" Derek was stopped short and was suddenly suspended in the air. I back away from him in horror as the alpha stood its ground from behind.

It's claws digging into Derek's back. Derek's mouth started dripping black ooze and blood and it was like I just froze, with this look of horror and shock on my face. I couldn't move. I couldn't run, I couldn't scream. My entire body was frozen while my cousin was suspended into the air. Was this what it looked like when Laura was attacked?

"Isabelle!" Not even Stiles and Scott yelling at me did a difference. They each grabbed my arm and finally forced me to move, we started ran to the double doors of the school, entered and closed them shut.

Derek....he's not dead. Right?

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