Lunatic - 2

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I groan when mom rips the blanket off me. "No!" I exclaim, tugging back.

"You need to go Isabelle. Its been 4 days since you've been holed up inside."

I throw the blanket over my head in annoyance. Trying to block out the blinding light and my mothers voice. School was the last thing on my mind right now. All I wanted to do was sleep for the rest of the day. I could do it. Dad calls me sleeping beauty.

"Mom. Is it bad that I want to go back to New York? At least the people I know there don't know about this." I paused. I wonder if they sent the BOLO for Derek up to the NYPD. "I think?"

Mom ripped the blanket off me and threw it to the side. "You're going." My mother said sternly. "End of discussion."

Having a mother as a teacher is not good. 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

With my parents (my mom's really. Dad had my back) nagging, I had to go to school. I dreaded going.

The past few days have reminded me of 5th grade 6 years ago.

When news got out that half of the Hale family burned alive in the woods, the media outlets outside my house where unbearable. Cops were parked outside but the difference between them and the ones now was that they protected us.

These are spying on us, because they think Derek is somehow gonna make contact. Which we totally have, I haven't told Scott that he's alive yet, mainly because it's his fault he's running from the cops.

My mom grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze as we stood in front of the doors of the school.

The students that are lingering outside, stare directly at us. After all, our family member tried killing 4 students.

"Come on, we're Hales." Mom said to me, she always said that when I was a kid and didn't want to do things I was scared of. Surprising how it still works to this day.

I nodded and squeezed her hand back. "We're Hales." I repeated confidently. 

I took a breath and pushed through the doors, and the second I did that it was like if all eyes were on me. Everyone just stopped their walking and focused on my mom and I.

Mom made them go back to what they were doing. She assured me I'd be alright and went to her class.

I tried not to focus on the eyes and got to my locker.

"Hey." Stiles greeted from behind me. He scared me because I've been so focused not to listen in or notice anyone in the hall.

"Hey." I greet back, with less enthusiasm then Stiles. I close my locker shut and walked away, down the hall to my next class.

Stiles caught up to me. "So how you doing?"

How am I doing. That's a good one. "Hmm," I brush my chin. "lets see. Thanks to you and Scott-"

"Mostly Scott." he corrected.

I nod.

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