Code Breaker - 1

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"Stiles where the hell are you?" I muttered as I pour my self some punch. Spiked punch. I could smell the difference just not taste. Stiles went to go look for Jackson and Lydia to make sure they were alright. I probably should have gone with him, except if he ends up finding them in an empty classroom well then I'm glad I didn't.

"Help me!" I frowned at the voice screaming in my ear. Is that? I drop my cup of punch and began to run. Removing my heels along the way, they make running so much worse.

The stench of blood got stronger the closer I got. My eyes went wide when I burst through the double doors of the school, and Jackson was carrying an unconscious and bloody Lydia.

I skidded to a stop. "Oh my god!" Jackson kept yelling. "Somebody help! Help me! Get help, please!"

I snapped myself out of whatever trance I was in and ran up to them.

"What happened?!" I asked as he put Lydia on the ground and I pressed two fingers to her throat to feel for her pulse. More people started to crowd in and Jackson didn't respond to my question. He lied. "I- I don't know I found her like this in the field!"

His heart skipped a bunch of times and my heart sank. He was lying so the people around us didn't know the wiser. I knew the wiser. Peter did this.

"What happened!" My mom exclaimed when she appeared with a few other teachers.

I yelled at the people watching, "Stop staring, pull out your damn phones and call 911!"

What is with people?!

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

The ambulance came and took Lydia away. My mom as one of the chaperones rode in the ambulance with her and Jackson and I might as well have raced to the hospital.

"This is the alphas fault." Jackson muttered as the two of us raced to the emergency exit door of the hospital. "And you said you wanted the bite!"

"Well is she gonna die!" I stutter over my next words as we stepped in the elevator and he pushed the button to the floor my mom texted Lydia was in. "Does it look like I know!"

I tap my foot against the elevator floor as we waited for the little ding. As soon as we reached the floor we yearned to be far from each other and to find Lydia.

"Where is she?" Jackson asked to a nearby nurse. 

"Hey. Hey!" We both turned to see Stilinski march up with an angry look on his face. Oh dear. "What the hell happened to that girl?"

Jackson stammered not knowing what to say, his heart beat was rising with each passing second from nerves. "I-I don't know. I went out looking for her—"

"What, you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found her there like that?" Stilinski said skeptically. If I was him I wouldn't believe him either. "Don't lie to me, son."

Jackson responded anxiously. "No, I--"

"Hey! What happened to her???" Stilinski demanded more harshly this time, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him against the wall. "Sheriff!" I exclaimed at his behavior.

"This isn't my fault!" Jackson yelled in defense. "She's your girlfriend!" Technically they broke up. "That's your responsibility!"

"No, she's not, okay? She didn't go to the formal with me." Jackson confessed.

"Then who'd she go with?"

"Do you really wanna know?"

"She went with Stiles." Damn you Jackson.

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