Formality - 1

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"Call it again." Scott muttered as he ransacked his room. 

Stiles groaned annoyed. "It's not here. Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" 

"I can't afford a new one, and I can't do this alone. We have to find your dad and Derek."  I sighed and raked a hand through my hair. They have my dad and Derek. Scotts okay now thanks to Deaton. During the fight Scott lost his phone as least that's what he thinks. I'll I've been thinking about is what the hunters could be doing to my dad and Derek right this second.

I still can't believe they took them. I'm tempted to just reveal myself to Allison just to get them back. 

"I'll buy you a new one Scott." I offered and Scott shook his head. "No you have enough on your plate right now."

"So do you."

Stiles spoke up. "Well, A) you're not alone, you have me and Isabelle and B) didn't you say Derek and Izzy's dad walked into gunfire? Derek sounds pretty dead." 

I turned to Stiles with a pointed stare and he quickly apologized before I hit him. I sighed as Scott continued to look for his phone. "They ran into gunfire to save us. And Argent's plan is to use them to get to the Alpha." Who they don't know is my uncle who I am more then sure is okay with leaving them to rot since he didn't care at all about Laura. "The Argents won't kill them."

I hope. 

"All right, so then, just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek and Mr. Hale to find Peter, problem solved." 

"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find them!" Scott yelled frustrated. 

 "I can't protect her on my own, which means we either find Derek and Izzy's dad first--" 

He searched through his shelfs and stuttered. "Just-just help me!" 

"You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that? When he was trying to kill you?" Stiles reminded him. "After you all interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior, here?" 

I gave Stiles a glare. "He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die Stiles, I don't care if he chose Peters side he's still my family." 

"Could you at least think about letting Derek die? For me?" Stiles pleaded. 

"What?" Stiles questioned when he saw Scott lift his head to the sound of breaks. "My mom just got home from work." 

I couldn't help myself and listened in.

"Hi. It's me. Melissa McCall. I'm giving you a call. That always sounds really weird because of my last name...McCall. So, yeah, um, you know, I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to reschedule dinner or lunch. 

It doesn't have to be dinner-- lunch is good. Or maybe you would like to do coffee, or maybe you're a tea drinker? I don't know. You know, we could also just go out for drinks. Yeah, 'cause I think I need a few after this profoundly embarrassing phone call. 

So, if this really doesn't freak you out too much after this disastrous call, free free to, um, give me a call." 

I closed my eyes and sighed suddenly feeling bad for Melissa. It's not her fault she didn't get to go out with Peter. I mean, did we ruin her dinner plans? Yes we did, but to protect her. God it is much more easier when the parents know. She doesn't know the kind of monster we saved her from.

Great now I feel bad. 

 "Is she okay? What's she doing?" Stiles asked concerned. 

Scott sighed. "Crying." 

Scott sat down on his bed defeated. "Scott, you can't protect everyone." Stiles said, trying to make him less bad. 

"I have to." 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother." I said to Allison who had just invited me to go shopping for the formal. I honestly completely forgot about the formal. With everything happening my mind is all over the place. I don't have time for shopping.

She smiled as she put her books in the locker. "Don't worry it's not a problem. Do you need a ride?" 

"Actually yeah." 

She smiled. "Alright, I'll text you when-"

Jackson suddenly appeared next to her, leaning against her locker when she closed it. "Hey, what time should I pick you up for the dance tomorrow?" He asked anxiously, sweating nervously. I raise an eyebrow. What's with with?

Allison chuckled at him and I laughed at how he was acting. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I-I'm great! I'm just excited to go to the formal. With you. As friends. Just friends. Just-just friends." 

Okay since when does Jackson go on a date with anyone as 'Just Friends'.

I looked around the corner and saw Scott and Stiles. Ah, they're the reason. I excused myself from Allison and headed over. 

"Okay good news, Scott you can finally rest, I'm going shopping with Allison." 

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god. Thank you Izz." 

I smiled. "No problem." 

"Hey so does this mean you're also going with Lydia?" Stiles questioned. 

I forced a nod. "Yes." 

He broke into a smile. "Awesome. So can you see if you could set us up for the dance." 

I again, forced a smile of my face and ignored my defeated heart.


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