Lunatic - 1

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Thanks to Scott and Stiles, Derek is now the most wanted in the state. There's a cop cruiser parked outside my house 24/7 since we are the only family Derek has in town.

And the hunters have at least one SUV parked outside at night. School was canceled because of the damage the school took with the Alpha. We haven't left the house since then. I almost feel like I'm 10 years old, couped up in the house crying with Laura and Derek. Except Derek played a brave face and neither of them are here.

"Izzo." called Dad from the kitchen. "Can you come help set the table?"

"Sure." I got up from the couch, stretching my limbs. I've been sitting on the couch all day in the dumps. I haven't done much apart from listening to music and helping mom grade school papers. Not my class of course.

I head for the kitchen, taking the plates and start putting them on the table when the door bell rang and I groaned in annoyance. Who the heck is it?

"I got it." I told my parents as I place the final plate down. I jogged to the door and opened it.

My eyes widening when I saw Allison's dad, and I'm guessing wife, standing there with a pie.

I tried closing the door quickly, but Argent put a rough hand on the door before it could close. "Isabelle. Nice to see you again." Nice to see me again my ass. I muster up a smile. "Mom! Dad!" I called out. "We have a visitor."

My parents walked up and when they saw the Argents they stood behind me with shocked and confused faces. Allison stood behind her parents awkwardly.

Allison's mother holds up a what smells like strawberry pie. She has the nerve to smile. "We brought pie."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

I sink the fork into the strawberry pie. This dinner was excruciatingly boring. Our table was unfortunately big enough for six people so the Argents insisted on joining us for dinner. Allison, her father who asked to be called Argent and his wife Victoria.

Allison and I sat at the ends of the table, our parents on opposite sides. Victoria gave me the creeps. I stare at my fork. Never thought I'd quote Jackson but I would very much like to stab myself in the eye right now.

"It must be hard," Allison's dad spoke. "walking around town."

"Dad!" Allison hissed. I wonder what would happen exactly if I do stab myself in the eye.

"Well we haven't exactly been going out." My dad answered.

"So Andrea," Victoria began, she put her fork down. "your a teacher at the school right?"

"Uh yes I am. Been teaching sophomore English for 10 years."

Oh god this is horrible. They didn't come for chit-chat. They came to ask about Derek. I can't handle the horrible silence. I just want to yell out, 'No! We haven't seen Derek and even if we had why would we tell you? So you could go cut him in half like you did Laura?!' But I don't. As much as I want to.

"Can I be excused?" I asked at the same time as Allison, guess she had enough to.

My dad nodded, "Isabelle, take Allison up to your room." I nodded and looked at Allison.

"Uh this way."

I led her up to my room upstairs. I sat down at my desk and Allison just stood there, we just stayed silent unsure what to say.

What exactly do you say to the girl who's cousin tried to kill you in school? Is what I am more then sure is what is going through her head.

"You know when my parents said we were going out for dinner I didn't expect to be coming here." Allison said pacing a little.

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