Co-Captain - 3

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"Forgive me." Stiles apologized to his Jeep. He grimaced as he stepped on the pedal and rammed the car at Melissa McCall's car. "Ugh!" I groaned as I rub my forehead. "I think you went too hard." 

"Don't remind me." 

"STILES!" yelled Melissa. "ISABELLE!" 

I winced when we got out of the car. I still can't believe Melissa was going on a dinner date with Peter. Emphasis on the dinner. 

I mean she looked beautiful, if only she wasn't going on a date with a psychotic killer. 

"Mrs. McCall?" I questioned, pretending like this was totally a huge coincidence that she just happened to be here. "Yes!"

 "Wow, this is-this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh?" Stiles said trying to play this off. "Nicely done, Scott." Peter muttered. 

"I mean, I do not know what happened. You guys just came out of nowhere--"

 "Came out of nowhere???" Melissa blurted out. "We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles!" 

"I am so sorry." I apologized. "We weren't looking were we where going." Melissa crossed her arms. "I wonder why?" 

Stiles and I exchanged glances. What did she think? 

"Andrea? Nathan?" Melissa questioned. I smiled at my parents who stepped out of their car and made there way over. I called them on the way. Like I was going to face uncle Peter by myself. 

"Melissa!" Mom feigned surprise. "What a coincidence! We were just parked back there and saw Isabelle. Wanted to make sure everything was alright." Dad nodded coming up behind me. 

Stiles and I chuckled playing along. "How crazy is that? I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know? Do like, an accident report thing?" 

 Peter shook his head, smiling at my mother, who gave him a cold stare. "I don't think that's necessary." 

Stiles pretended to fake an ache, reaching for his neck. "Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash..." 

"Whiplash??? You hit us!" Melissa exclaimed, flailing her arms around. 

  "I don't know...there's something definitely wrong with my neck." Stiles argued back, rubbing his neck to pretend it hurt. 

Peter walked away, whispering "I know you're there, Scott, and I'm impressed. It's too bad most teenagers aren't that smart. It's like that one on the lacrosse team-- Jackson. Thinks he knows all about us. You know how they say "Knowledge is power?" Not in his case." 

My parents and I exchanged looks overhearing. 


•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

 It took as longer then I'd like to leave Stiles and Melissa. As soon as we did we got in the car, ditched it half-way to the woods and ran the rest of the way to our house. "Please! I don't deserve it." I heard Jackson plea. You know for someone about to die he doesn't make a good plea. 

"I think you do." That was Derek's voice. "N-no!" 

"Look around you! Wouldn't there be someone here trying to save you? There's no one here. There is a reason. No one cares that you drive an expensive car." Well I really don't. "No one cares that you have perfect hair, and no one cares that you're captain of the lacrosse team." Derek yelled at Jackson.

"Excuse me?" Scott called out. He jumped down from the top of the staircase, shifting as well. 


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