Formality - 3

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The party was in the gym and since I could smell another werewolf, Scott had to be around somewhere. 

There was a live band and a disco ball in the gym and they actually made it look like a dance then a gym. 

I broke into a smile when I saw how beautiful Allison looked. 

"Allison you look amazing!" I said as I gave her a hug. Her hair was up in a sort of fishtail braid and she was wearing a silver dress, black stockings and had amazing necklace and diamond studded earrings. 

"So do you!" She exclaimed. "What does your necklace mean?" She asked curious. 

"Its sort of my families emblem." She nodded and looked over to Jackson who kept drinking out of a flask. 

"I don't think Jackson really wants to be here." 

Well he was forced to. 

"Jackson is just being Jackson, you go have fun." 

Lydia introduced me to one of the lacrosse players called Isaac. He was cute I'll admit that. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and he was pretty shy but in a cute sort of way. 

I danced with him a little but I wasn't enjoying myself. I mean, it's not his fault. I just keep thinking about Derek and my dad. They're being tortured by Hunters somewhere while I am dancing away. I excused myself from Issac and joined Jackson at the table. He  didn't look like he was having any fun either. Wonder what's his excuse.

"Want?" He offered the flask in his hands. Well it's not like I can get drunk anyway. I took the flask and drank from it. The alcohol didn't even feel like what you'd normally expect. For me it just felt like water. "Thanks." I hand him back the flask and it goes right back to silence.

"So-" I lift up a hand to stop him from speaking. "If you're about to say what I think your about to say no." He got quite meaning I was right, he was about to ask about the bite. He stood from his seat, nearly throwing it in a rage as he stormed off. What the hell is his problem?

I sighed and rest my cheek against my closed fist when they put a slow dance song. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go find Derek and my Dad, beat Peter up, maybe go howl at the moon. Anything but being at the formal.

"Hey what are you doing?" I looked up at Stiles who had a crossed arms. "I'm enjoying the warmth of this chair." I lied, patting the bottom bars of the chair. Stiles shook his head, "Oh no. None of that."


"The whole point we are here is to get your spirit out of the dumps."

"Your here because you scored a date with Lydia." Stiles shook his head. "It doesn't matter anyway. She's in love with someone else." Jackson. So that's why I saw her leave. Stiles extended his hand. "Come on. I can't leave my best friend here alone."

I sighed and reluctantly took his hand. "One dance couldn't hurt."

He smiled and almost immediately he pulled us on the floor. "I have to warn you I am not a good slow dancer." I muttered as Stiles secured both hands on my waist and I secured mine on his shoulders. Throw me in a rave or a club with loud blaring music sure I'm down. Slow dancing, not my thing. Stiles nodded. "I'll lead then."

I couldn't help but crack a smile. The two of us danced to the slow beating of the music. It was nice and peaceful. And...dancing with him felt good. It's like my worries temporarily melted away.

"McCall!" yelled Coach's startling voice. Stiles and I pulled apart as Coach stormed through the dance floor and several other people dancing like he did us. Ah so I see Scott finally got caught. He's been trying to sneak I for like the past hour and a half. "I see you!"

"McCall! It's a small gym, buddy!" Stiles whispered. "Where is he?"

"Currently running away." I could hear his footsteps on the ground. "I'm gonna find you! I gotcha, McCall! Come here, come here! Get outta my way! McCall!" 

When Coach finally found Scott, he found him dancing with Danny and he yelled before he thought. "McCall! You're not supposed to--" 

He paused. "What the hell are you do--" Coach said flabbergasted since he was so confused. The music actually stopped because everyone wanted to see the scene play out. "What the hell are you doing?" 

"Yes, Coach?" Scott questioned so innocently it took everything in me and Stiles to not burst out laughing. 

Coach stammered. "Okay, ho-ho-ho, ha-ha. Hold on, you-- I was just saying he's not supposed to--" Wow this is getting worse. "I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't--you guys don't think. You don't--I-I was--" He eventually gave up and decided to end it then make a bigger fool of himself. 

He chuckled awkwardly and turned to face the crowd. "Just dance, everybody! Just dance! Dance! It's a party!" 

I nod a little impressed at how things played out. "That was...something."

Stiles nodded in agreement. "It was indeed."

"What the bell are you looking at Greenburg?!"

Stiles and I laughed outloud. "See?" I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"There's that smile." I chuckled. "Thanks for that."

Stiles nodded. "No problem." He smiled and looked out to the crowd of people dancing around us. "Hey have you seen Lydia and Jackson."

I shake my head. "No. Jackson stormed off a while ago. Why?"

"Lydia went to go find him." I sniffed the air, trying to find that utterly expensive perfume that Lydia had sprayed on. It was intoxicating, she wasn't in the gym. "She's not here." I checked for Jacksons jock scent. He had been drinking a lot so he was covered in the smell of alcohol, surprisingly not it was hard finding that in a sea of other tipsy drunk kids. "Can't find Jackson."

"I should probably go look for them. With the alpha-"

I cut him off. "You can just say my uncle Peter." He winced. "Alright with your uncle Peter out there it-"

I nod knowing what he was implying. Inside this gym is as safe as everyone can be. "Go look for them. I'll text you if they return."

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