Co-Captains - 1

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Okay, we've gone from bad news to even more worse bad news. Scott claims that Derek joined Peter. Which has officially driven my mom mad.

 One of the goods things is that Sherriff Stilinski has taken back his patrol cars from my house, because Derek hasn't tried getting in contact. Unbeknownst to him. 

That means my parents can officially stop staying in. The hunters will probably still be there but that's not gonna stop them from finding Peter and Derek. 

In other news, Jackson gave Scott 72 to get him what he wants. And right now, I'd rather kill him then get him what he wants. 

And speaking of Jackson, we've been following him all morning to make sure that Allison's father the hunter, wouldn't try anything. I guess last night at the lacrosse game the Argents came to the assumption that Jackson was the Beta, so all we've been watching over him. All this waiting and watching Jackson do donuts in a parking lot is driving me mad. I could be out there helping my parents find Peter and Derek but no! I have to be the freaking body guard of some complete douche asshole. 

Jackson stopped his car and began to check the engine like if it shut down. And then Argent drove up. Oh thank god, I mean not really but finally some action. "Go!" I ushered Stiles. "Lay down in the backseat." He ordered. "What?!" 

"If Argent sees you his suspicions will grow." Scott said, proving a point. "Ugh fine."  uncomfortably lay across the backseat. I was uncomfortable as I positioned myself so that I couldn't be viewed from the outside. "Happy! Now go!" Stiles stepped on it and I almost flew into the floor, I grabbed the edge of the seat to keep from falling. 

Stiles hit the break and again I almost fell. "Yo." Scott greeted with a wave as Stiles pulled the car up in front of Jacksons Porsche. 

"What's up?" Stiles said in a greeting. Please, please, please don't spot me. 

"Is everything okay?" Scott asked as innocently as he can. "Hey Scott. Your friend here was just having car trouble. We're just taking a look." 

Car trouble my ass, he probably did something to the engine with his hunter gadgets. 

"There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck." Scott informed, pointing back. "Yeah. You want a ride?" Stiles offered. 

"Hey, come on, Jackson-- you're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself." Stiles said sarcastically. I can't see Scotts face from my position but I am more then sure Scott gave Jackson a warning look as he opened the door. I'm assuming Jackson walked. "Hey Scott!" Argent called out. "Where's the other member of your clique?" Lying down on the back seat. 

"Isabelle. she uh- she mentioned she was going somewhere with her parents." I almost shoot up to smack Stiles. My parents don't need the hunters after them while they're looking for Peter and Derek. 

From my position I could see the tips of Jacksons hair. He got close enough to see me through the glass. I raised my hand to my lips indicating him shut the hell up. He better not ruin this. 

"Hey, boys?" Argent called out again. I didn't know what he showed them but I heard the engine of Jacksons car. "Told you I knew a few things about cars." Sure he does. I heard the sound of his car start up and drive away. "Is he gone?" I asked for conformation. Stiles nodded. "He's gone." I breathed out in relief and sat up. Thank god. Now back to Jackson. I got out of the jeep and stormed up to Jackson. 

 "What, are you following me now?" Jackson exclaimed aggressively. 

"Yes, you stupid freaking idiot! You almost gave away everything, right there!" I exclaimed to him, pissed off my freaking mind. "What are you talking about?" Jackson asked oblivious. 

"He thinks you're the second Beta." Scott exclaimed furious.

"What?" Jackson asked annoyed and confused. And he wants to become a werewolf without knowing crap of this. He really is a jock. 

"He thinks you're me!" Scott in anger, hit the jeep with his elbow. 

"Dude, my Jeep..." said an annoyed Stiles. 

 "I can hear your heart beating from a mile away-- literally! Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you, too!" Scott was about to hit the jeep again but Stiles grabbed him before he could hit it. "Okay, how about we step away from Stiles' Jeep..."

"This is your problem, not mine, okay? I didn't say anything, which means you're the one that's gonna get me killed." Accused Jackson. "Okay? This is your fault!" Jackson shoved Scott back making him hit the Jeep. 

Stiles groaned annoyed. "Can we stop hitting my Jeep?" 

I grabbed Jackson by the collar and lifted him up. "Woah Isabelle!" Stiles exclaimed in shock as Jackson squired to be free. "Listen here Jackson." I growled. "Being a werewolf isn't a game Jackson." 

"It is really. You can hear anything you want and run faster than humanly possible. Sounds like a real hardship Hale." My eyes glowed yellow in anger. I would be slamming him against Stiles jeep if it wasn't for Stiles. 

"Yo, all right! Yo, guys, stop. All right!"

Scott scoffed. "No, you won't! Just trust me-- all it does is make things worse." For bitten ones anyway. Those who are born like me never really feel what Scott feels. 

"Oh, yeah, really? You can hear anything you want and run faster than humanly possible. Sounds like a real hardship, McCall." Jackson replied sarcastically. I squeezed him a little bit at his throat to get him to shut up. 

"Yeah, I can run really fast now, except half the time, I'm running away from people trying to kill me!" Scott yelled.  "And I can hear things, like-like my girlfriend telling people she doesn't trust me anymore, right before breaking up with me. I'm not lying to you! It ruins your life." 

 "It ruined your life." Jackson corrected. "You had all the power in the world, and you didn't know what to do with it. Isabelle is doing just fine." I scoffed. Just fine? Just fine? 

"You know what it's actually like? It's like you turned sixteen, and someone bought you a Porsche when they should have started you out with a nice little Honda. Me? I drive a Porsche." 

No that's it. I've kept my mouth shut now I can't anymore. "Jackson being a werewolf is not as fun as you think it is. My entire life I've been hiding this secret from everyone. And every full moon was torture. My parents had to lock me in the basement with the rest of my family who couldn't control the shift. Do you remember the fire?" I can't imagine how he didn't remember. everyone in school talked about it. I hated the name they gave it. 

"The Hale Fire? My entire family was killed because of what they were. And some of them were normal. Hunters did that. The Argents did that." 

His expression didn't change, he stayed unfazed. "If you want that. Have fun." 

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