Second Chance At First Line - 2

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When we got to the old house Derek was just getting cuffed. The corner was there wheeling away Laura in a body bag. Laura in a body bag. God they're probably gonna open her up.

"Don't say anything." I ordered of Derek as me and my parents stormed up to him and Stilinski.

"Andrea, Nathan-" Stilinski started but my parents cut him off. "Sheriff Stilinski, this is ridiculous. Derek is not a murder." My dad and mom continued their little argument with Stilinski while he handed Derek over to one of his deputies who put Derek in the squad car.

We wanted to tell them that the girl was our family, but they obviously are not going to show us the body. I have my hands in my pocket to hide the tattoo, so they don't see the match.

I watch in wonder as Stiles sneaks into the front of the squad car to speak to Derek.

"Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you."

Derek clearly gives him a menacing look that changes his attitude.

"...Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. Listen I don't care if Isabelles mad at me right now she's going to thank me for putting you away when she finds out you're a cold-blooded murder."

Oh, guess again stilinski.

"I just wanna know something. The girl you killed. She was a Werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she?

I mean, she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that. And Izzy can't, at least, I think. Is that why you killed her?"

"Why are you so worried about me, when it's your friend who's the problem?" Derek replied irritably.

"When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do? Just keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing, but you can...and trust me-- you want to."

Scott was by himself away from everyone else, so I walked over.

"Can I slap you? Or hit you? Or break your arm?" I asked Scott as I approached him. Scott looked away in shame.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell. It's just you wouldn't have helped, he's your family and the werewolf that bit me! Aren't you glad we put him away? He's a murderer Isabelle!"

"No, he's not! I knew about the body!" I yelled out, whispering the last bit in a harsh tone.

Scotts eyes widened in surprise. "You knew!"

"Yes! My parents knew about it too!"

"Why didn't you tell us!?"

"I don't have to explain my family dilemmas to you or Stiles!"

God, I know that Scott and Stiles never actually met Laura because when she was here, she would be investigating so there was never really a chance to introduce them but are you telling me they never saw the tattoo!

"Isabelle!" My dad called out; we both turned our heads to my dad whose eyes turned blue as he stared directly at Scott.

"I got to go." I turned to Scott and glared. "I'll see you at the game."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Despite being mad at Scott and Stiles, I still showed up at the game. Let's just say I like the look on peoples face when they know they were wrong.

We were going to pay bail for Derek to get him out of jail, but he told us not to. He made a point that it's not like they can actually pin the murder on him anyway once the autopsies concluded.

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