Lunatic - 4

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"I brought you some water." Stiles pushed the small white dog bowl with Scotts name written in tape. I wanted to laugh. It was a bit ironic. 

"I'm gonna kill you!" Scott yelled furiously, throwing the bowl of water at us. So rude.

Stiles whirled around angry.

"You kissed her, Scott!" He yelled. "Okay? You kissed Lydia. That's, like, the one girl that I ev--And, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, 'It's probably just the full moon,' you know?

"He doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been-- a son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend"--

Scott interrupted Stiles ranting. "She kissed me." Scott said almost smugly.

"What?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

"I didn't kiss her-- she kissed me." This isn't going to end good. I shook my head at him and grabbed Stiles by the arm and dragged him out.

"She would have done a lot more, too." Scott yelled after us. "You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would have done anything I wanted."

Ew, my ears.

"Anything!" I shut the door and locked it. Shuddering a bit at what Scott had said. Stiles slid down against the wall, hurt by Scott declaration. He didn't deserve that. I sat down next to him him and grabbed his hand.

"You don't have to be here if you don't want to." I don't think I can handle Scott talking about his make out session with Lydia any longer. I don't think he can handle it any more either. Stiles shook his head. "I'm fine." 

"Isabelle, Stiles." Scott whined from the other side of the door. "Please let me out. It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose. Please, Stiles, let me out. It's starting to hurt." I can imagine it was. I wore chains on my wrists and ankles my first few years. 

"It's not like the first time. It's the full's Allison breaking up with me...I know...that it's not just taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel completely hopeless. Just, please-- let me out."

I wanted to so bad. I wanted to believe he wouldn't do anything but I have to think about his safety. His safety and the towns. Any innocent bystander talking a walk would be considered food, and then when that happens the hunters get involved, using their special little code. "We can't." I groaned a little as I closed my eyes tight as I felt the moon reach it's peak.

Scott started screaming and it was driving Stiles crazy, and just as it started it ended.

"Shit." I cursed, getting up and bursting into the room. Just like I thought, Scott had escaped.

"I'm gonna find him." I told Stiles who nodded and I jumped out the window.

It was easy to catch his scent which went through the woods. Part of me wondered if he was following someone's lead, the alphas. I should probably call back up. Except I can't text or call Derek from my phone to his burner phone. I'll have to make do. I followed Scotts scent all the way to a shopping center. I began to worry. What if he attacked someone in the lot or worse what if he runs inside the mall. He could kill a bunch of people and reveal our secret. Our secret and every other werewolves secret in the entire world! 

I didn't track Scotts scent to the mall thank God, I followed it to the parking lot. I wondered why he was even here till I recognized another scent. Allison. 


Scott was crouched on the roof of Allison's car, he was almost growling. I could see why, Jackson was in the car with her. God what on earth does he think is happening in there? The hairs on the back of my neck when I felt another werewolf. Derek. I carefully hide when Derek swooped in and tackled Scott off the cars roof. I had to rush silently by the cars as I rushed after them.

They were fighting, tackling each other. "Scott!" I yelled when Derek growled in his face.

Scott looked down at himself in horror, when he realized what had happened. What he did and what he said. What he almost did. He lifted a hand and looked at his claws in shock. "What's happening to me?"

I looked at Derek with worry, as he responds to his question. "Exactly what he wants to happen."

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