Night School - 2

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We ran all the way to the boiler room, the alpha following us. We pressed our self's against a row of lockers, holding our breath as Scott checked to see if he was there.


"Go." Scott ordered.

"All right, we have to do something."

"Like what?" I questioned. "I don't know! Kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it. Something!"

Stiles pulled out his keys slowly.

"What are you doing?" Scott exclaimed.

Stiles threw the keys in the room and backed us up as the alpha ran in. Stiles quickly shut the door on him and ordered the desk that sat against the wall. Ignoring the fact on why there was a desk in the boiler room Scott and I pushed it up and against the door.

I jumped on it for added weight, balancing myself as the alpha tried bringing the door down and it failed. Oh my god. "He can't--"

I raked a hand through my hair and looked at Scott and Stiles.

"I have to go, I-I need to go make sure Derek's still alive and-and take him home-and-"

Scott cut me off, "It's alright go, just call the cops, someone, hunters." I nod and look at Stiles sternly as I dropped down from the desk.

"Don't poke it."

(Let's pretend that Jackson, Lydia and Allison haven't gotten there yet)

I ran as fast as supernaturally possible outside. Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please please don't be dead!

Derek was unconscious on the ground where the Alpha threw him when I ran outside. "Derek!" I rushed over, dropping on my knees to get a better look at him. I rest my head on his chest so I could get a better hear. Trying desperately to find a heartbeat. When I heard a steady beating I breathed a sigh of relief.

I need to get him out of here. I grabbed his arm and hoisted him up, I almost fell from his weight. God he's heavy. I dragged him all the way to his car, shoving him in the backseat in an uncomfortable manner. Okay now I need to call 911.

I reached into my jacket pocket for my phone but it didn't turn on. The screen was cracked. No no no no!

"Dammit." I stuff my phone back in my pocket and searched Derek for his car keys and his phone. While his keys were fine his phone wasn't. I'll have to get home and call Stilinski from there.

But I don't want to leave them alone. Okay what I need is to get the hunters. Hm-hm. Yeah I can do that.

I looked to Derek. "Let's get you home first."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled as I brought Derek in through the front door.

"What the hell happened!" My dad asked as helped put Derek on the kitchen table.

"The alpha! Scott called it and--"

"Scott did what!" Mom yelled as she turned Derek on his side, putting her hand over his wound.

Taking away some of the pain, while Dad cleaned up the blood.

"Oh god." I muttered, running a hand over my face. The image of him being picked up by the Alpha was still in my head. Playing on repeat.

"It was huge, it, it was-it-it killed the janitor and-"

I shrieked when Derek shot up, he let out a roar of pain. I looked around the house like if I could see through the neighbors walls. I wonder if they heard that.

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