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It's Friday night, and a woman in her uniform has just gotten home. Shuffling her keys, finding the right one to open up her pad's door. It was a long tiring day for her, and all she wants is just to sleep for hours without any interruption. Finally, she found the right key and successfully come inside. Removing her shoes, she noticed another pair of white sneakers, which is not hers, on the side of the door. She smiled knowing who it belongs to.

Her pad is half lit up, indicating that there's a person inside aside from her. The blue-haired woman roamed her eyes around, scanning her place, hoping the find the one she was looking for. And there, in the living room, was a woman all curled up and sleeping on one of the couches.

The blue-haired woman then again smiled and walked closer to the sleeping girl. She squatted to level herself with the sleeping blonde. The said girl was sleeping peacefully. Her eyes are tightly closed and her lips are pursed as if she is pouting. A baby. The woman tucked the strands of hair that covers the face of a pretty girl sleeping in front of her. As she always says, she will never get tired of staring at the latter's face.

Once again, she smiled and kissed the girl's forehead. She felt like all the tiredness she was feeling went away. The blonde girl never fails to bring strength and energy. For her, the girl is her home.

It was already 10 minutes since she arrived. She's already on her favourite PJs, and coming out of her room, she brought a newly washed blanket. The blue-haired woman was carefully putting the covers on the girl, but another pair of eyes shot wide open and shyly smiled at her.
Hey, baby" the blue-haired greeted the girl who just woke up. The same girl just smiled widely at her and sat up. her hands rested on the sides, and her feet are pointed on the floor. The blonde girl did not say anything, instead, just stared at the woman who greeted her. The older girl chuckled and hugged the woman.

my baby is still sleepy, she thought. the younger hugged her back and buried her face in the older girl's torso, trying to hide her smile and blush on her face.

"you ate already?" the older girl asked, as a response to the question, the younger shook her lightly and pouted. "I was waiting for you, but I fell asleep" the last words were barely heard by the blue-haired but she didn't mind.

"shall we eat? I'm sure you're famished" the younger nodded and they made their way to the kitchen.

"you cooked these?" the younger then again nodded with a shy grin on her face. It is her pastime anyway. the younger always enjoys cooking, and that is one of her, as she says, hidden talents. Not to brag, but she is a talented one. Her voice is to fall in love with, which is also the reason why the older fell for her. the older swore not to fall for her, but she was betrayed by her ears and heart. Also, the younger girl's dancing skill is to be stunned. the two of them used to be on a dance crew, and they're are front liners. According to their team, the two of them are the centre of the performance. And in shorter words, the blonde girl is an ace. And she is so blessed to have her.

Over their dinner, the older noticed how unusually quiet the younger girl is. The younger is usually bright and energetic. Her mouth is blabbering things nonstop. But that night, it was different for the older.

"Is there something wrong?" the older girl finally asked what she was itching to ask. She doesn't want to see her girl down for happiness is all she wants for her. The younger just shook her head and smiled. The older was not contented with that, and it clearly shows on her face.

"Tell me please?" worry is painted on her face. With that, the younger sighed and lowered her head, "I just missed you so bad" right, the older thought. It's been a long week for them. And even if the head of the younger girl's head is hung low, the redness on her face is still showing for her ears are bright red. The worry on the older's face vanished into thin air and a wide grin was plastered instead. She was so delighted that she instantly hugged the smaller one, wrapping her arms around her tightly. The latter is shocked by the sudden hug the older gave her that she dropped the fork she was holding. But it didn't seem to bother nor startled the older.

"I missed you more, baby" the older muttered and kissed the younger's head. Heaven knows how much she missed the girl in her arms. If only they will allow them,  she'll be willing to do nothing, but hug and shower her love on the younger. That is all she wants, and all she wishes.

It was past 20 minutes since they finished their dinner. The two girls were just in the living room, doing nothing but just cuddling. It was a peaceful night, the rush hour is finally over. And the house was quiet, only their breathing can be heard, or maybe their heart beatings too. Five minutes had passed again, and that is when the older decided to do their left dishes in the sink. She doesn't want it to spoil more, the smell of it is too awful for her liking. The older is a tidy person, she wants everything to be neat and clean. That is why whenever the older is in the younger's house, scolding always happens. The younger is undeniably a messy person.

"baby?" the older called, and the younger just hummed in response to her. she was still clinging to her, like a baby koala. "I'll just wash the dishes," the older said, and tried to stand up but was refrained by the younger who, like what was said earlier, was still clinging to her tightly. She turned at her with a smile on her face and was greeted by a pouting kid, who is her girlfriend. it is always her action every time she's pleading or wants something from the older. It worked anyway-- always work. But that night, the older resisted her, resulting in the younger being left pouting in the mid lit up the living room.

The blue-haired is half-finished hing the dishes when two arms were suddenly wrapped around her waist, and a head rested on her back. Of course, she knew who it was right away. It was her girlfriend-- her pouty and needy girlfriend. She smiled and stopped what she was doing, and turned to the younger. "I'm almost finished, baby. wait for me okay?" the younger lightly nodded and pouted once again. She then marched towards the dining table and sat on one of the chairs, and rested her head above. And oh, she's staring at her with a sleepy smile on her face.

A few minutes after, the older was already finished. The plates have been washed and the sink can finally breathe again. It's time for my baby, she smiled and turned to the dining table, only to find the younger sleeping again. The blue-haired walked closer and stared again with a loving look on her face. Her eyes are sparkling, no stars can compare to them. And seeing her girlfriend sleeping like a child is a very cute sight. She took a photo of her and smiled. cutie, she mumbled. the photo made its way to be her lock screen. She needed it. After a few minutes of staring, that is when the older decided to carry the younger. She doesn't have the heart to wake her up again. But it was a failed attempt again, for the blonde shoot her eyes open and rubbed them gently.

"you finished, babe?" she said cutely. the older felt like her heart is melting at the sight and the way her girlfriend talked. "let's go to bed?" a question that is more like a statement. The blonde nodded but did not stand up, instead,d she raised her arms toward the older. Gladly, the older get her message right away and chuckled. the younger wants to be carried like she was supposed to do. "a big baby" she said as she lifted the younger. the latter's legs were wrapped around her waist and her arms around her neck. her head made its way on the older's nape, and played her nose. "baby, it tickles!" and the latter just giggled.

They made their way unto the bed,  and the older laid the blonde gently, who was grinning at her. She pinched her nose and laid beside her. "let's sleep?" she asked and the younger scooted closer to her. The blue-haired stretched her arm for the younger to rest her head. The younger cuddled and buried her face in the older's neck. Her arm rested on the latter's waist and their legs are tangled. "good night, babe" she mumbled, and the older kissed her forehead. "good night, baby" the older looked at her again before finally drifting into her slumber.

It was a long and tiring day for Karina, but it's okay because Winter is her home.

lol. I'm very sorry for the grammatical errors and bad narration. I am not good at it huhu but I hope you enjoyed it :)

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