ocean eyes

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"professor, what if my Al gets hacked?"

All eyes and attention were now darted towards the japanese girl who suddenly asked the question. The middle-aged professor stopped at where he is pointing, and looked at her. "only the black mamba can hack your Al, miss uchinaga"

"yeah that's what i'm asking, what if THE black mamba hacked my Al?" the japanese asked again, really wanting to know the answer from her professor. but it seems like she will not get any concrete answer from them. and as usual, she was only left fuming inside because of the lack of profound answer.


"you shouldn't have asked that again when in the first place you know what they will answer" told by a deep yet gentle voiced woman who squatted infront of the japanese to match the levels of their eyes. it will always be her habit, matching her ocean eyes with people.

"i just couldn't help it! you know, i- i can't help but to w---"

"you're worried?"

"I do not want to lose you, jimin" softness in her worried voice, the japanese cannot help but to hug the woman infront of her. Her mind was clouded with things she doesn't want to happen. She was fighting her eyes not to cry, but when the lump finally formed, smalls sobs escaped from her.

the japanese was terrified to what might happen. she's scared. she's too scared to the point where she might lose her sanity.


"aeri, you do know that i don't need one" no matter how hard the japanese explain, no matter what she reasons out, her Al would not just listen to her.

"i told you its for your protection" she deeply took and release breath, wanting to calm down because she knows the woman will argue with her again.

"i told you i don't need one. I'm not even a kid, aeri. I can protect myself" her deep voice was still gentle as ever, but her ocean eyes were already raging.



"i just want someone to protect you, okay? you're all i have, jimin. you're the only family i have" both of her hands cupped the woman's face, looking at her like she's the most precious thing in the world

"you still have your girlfriend" with what the woman said, the japanese chuckled, and let go her hands from cupping the small yet pretty face of the woman.

"well yizhuo is a different type of home" now her eyes were undeniably sparkling, they were like of those stars out in the night sky, and she was smiling ear to ear. indeed, it was a different type of home.


"i'm pretty sure you can protect yourself, why need me?" a blonde haired woman wearing all black clothings asked. and despite her intimidating look, her tiny voice seems to betray her. the woman seems to be adorable.

"i don't know but sure i can" the taller woman answered. Aeri still won their argument last time, and now she's been with the blonde woman for hours, doing nothing but sitting across the table. And it was actually a good thing that the blonde finally spoke.

"then i do not really have a thing to work in here"

"you can go now, you don't need to be stucked in here. don't worry, i won't tell aeri" she told the woman across her. she expected her to stand up and finally leave the room but no, the woman just flashed a smirked and wad leaning closer towards her.

"there is no way i'll leave this house. to be honest, i don't mind being stucked here with a beauty like you, baby"


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