oceans and engine

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She was alone. She was alone along the white sands of a faraway beach. She was alone staring at the sky's changing colors of orange and pink on the horizon. She was wondering what lies beyond that line. She was alone watching how restless the sea was. It was not calm, it was rather raging. Its waves were crashing the shore, washing off the sands. Yet it gave no fear to her, rather it gave her peace and comfort. She was alone when tears flowed out of her eyes as she remembered what happened that night.

"Baby", a soft voice called her. It was the voice that broke the silence that was enveloping the two of them. It was one of the cold nights of January, they were out after days of not seeing each other. After days of not having a proper conversation, they got out for a date, not sure of what would happen but something surely would happen. She was scared. And so is the other one. They were scared that night.

"Hmm?", she hummed as a response. Her heart was pumping undeniably so hard that she was already hearing it. She can almost feel it in her head, throbbing.

"Can we talk about us?", she turned her head towards the person. It was the love of her life. Her girlfriend, Minjeong.

"What about us? We're okay, right?", she tried to sound cheerful and make her eyes smile as before. But it was not just the same. And so was her person. Her eyes were sad, telling something that she could not seem to understand like she used to.

"I think we should end this.", her world stopped hearing the statement. She stared at her as her heart suddenly dropped.

"W-what?", she clearly heard what she said, she just did not want to believe it.

"Why?", she felt like she couldn't breathe. She knew this would happen but she did not think it was this soon.

"I think I fell out of love. I'm sorry.", she pursed her lips to stop letting out the lump that was forming on her throat. "I'm so sorry.", her person cried. She sobbed on her hand with tears bursting out of her eyes.

"I-it's okay, I-i u-underdstand.", she was trying her best not to cry. She gulped hard and took a heavy breath. Her mind was full of questions. It was flooding. Why now? Why did she break up with me? Why is she leaving me? Did I do something wrong? Is there someone else? Is she not happy with me anymore? Am I not enough? Am I not worth it? Why? We were happy just last month, what happened? What did I do wrong? Where did this go wrong? When did?

"I-i'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", she hugged her. It breaks her to see and hear her person cry. She needs to give her comfort but how can she if her heart that gives comfort is crashing down? "I'm tired, love. I got tired of our relationship."

"I know. I know you are. And I am too but it's not a reason for me to give up.", she said and it's true. She was more than willing to fight for their relationship even if it cost her self, her worth, her everything. She wanted to save them. She can still hold onto but her person was letting go. Her person wanted to let go.

"I'm sorry."

"Do you mean it? Ending our relationship?", she asked one more.


"Give me a reason to believe it please, love? I don't think I can ever believe that you just got tired. Please!", she begged.

"I'm just tired.", her person wiped the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. She looked at her with sadness and disappointment in her eyes. She wanted to slap her. She wanted to scream at her. She wanted reasons. But Jimin just let the tears flow.

"Thank you, love. I'm sorry.", those were the last words she heard from her person. Those were the last words she heard as she watched her person walk away leaving her with a crushing heart. It hurt her so bad that she could not even react. It hurt her so bad that she cannot run after her. It hurt her so bad that she just sat there watching her person's image slowly disappear. Her person left her. Her person left her with a broken heart and a mind full of questions about how she just left her like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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