Chapter 12

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I wake panting and covered in sweat. Nothing new. It's 2am.

It was a more mild nightmare about a past kidnapping mission that went wrong and the kid ended up getting caught in the crossfire and dying. It's literally the worst way to wake up everyday. On the bright side, my arm isn't as sore as it normally is and I send a silent thank you to Recovery Girl.

I change into all my running gear, check the weather on my phone and notice it's a little chilly this morning. I pull on a hoodie that's breathable so that I'll stay warm at the beginning of my run, but I won't overheat toward the end of my run. Slipping on my fingerless gloves, my glasses, and my harness, I slide my fighting staff in it's spot. There shouldn't be any trouble but it's better to be safe so early in the morning. I grab my phone, keys and put in my wireless headphones before strapping a fitness tracker on my wrist.

I start my fitness tracker and take off at a quick pace when I'm outside. For my usual running path, I go to a park a couple miles away, run the perimeter at least once, before exiting and run toward U.A. I'll run around the U.A. campus at least once before heading back to the park to go around once more then going back to my apartment. If I only circle the park twice and the school once, my run ends up being ten miles.

Today, since I'm up extra early, I circle the park three times before headed in the direction of the school. I decide to switch up my run a little bit and after circling the school once, run through the wooded area to add a little difficulty to my morning exercise. There's no real path to follow, so at an arbitrary point, I turn around and head back toward the school to do another couple of laps.

The sun is starting to rise and the silhouette of the school peeks through the foliage when there's a loud rustling coming from the trees to my right. The volume of my podcast is low in my ears so I can still be aware of my surroundings. I use my fitness band to pause the chatter.

A dark figure leaps from the trees and lands a few feet away from me. I skid to a stop, tear my headphones from my ears, throwing them who knows where. I grab and extend my fighting staff in one smooth motion, activating my quirk. In a fighting stance, I increase the density of the staff so it'll take less force to do maximum damage.

"Woah, I didn't mean to startle you." Aizawa holds his hands up and activates his quirk as a precaution. The staff gets lighter in my hand but it'll still do some damage even without the increased density.

I'm breathing pretty heavily just staring at him. It might not be a villain, but it being Aizawa isn't necessarily a better option, in my opinion.

"Are you going to put that away?" He deactivates his quirk, and pulls his yellow goggles down to rest around his neck.The density in my weapon increases again.

"Maybe in a minute." I'm on high alert.

"I really didn't mean to scare you." He puts his hands in his pockets and assumes a non threatening position.

"So rustling in the trees at five in the morning, jumping into my path while I'm running in a wooded area, and activating your quirk, isn't supposed to put me on high alert?" I question him through clenched teeth.

"Well, when you put it that way..." He trails off. I don't say anything and I don't move. "I'm sorry." He softens his voice and I relax a little bit.

I stare at him for a couple more minutes without saying anything. He starts to shift uncomfortably, waiting for me to say or do something.

"Whatever." I finally deactivate my quirk and collapse my staff to place it back in its spot in my harness. Aizawa watches me search the ground for my headphones. I find them not too far away and pick them back up. They're covered in dirt. Letting out a groan, I try to wipe them off with the bottom of my hoodie but it's drenched in sweat so it's doing more harm than good. Giving up, they go into my hoodie pocket and I readjust my sleeves, making sure my scar is still covered.

The Reaper (Aizawa x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now