Chapter 21

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My alarm jostles me from a dreamless sleep on the couch. Delicately, I stand and stretch before showering and getting dressed, carefully slipping on my spare harness before my jacket. I'm not sure where my old harness ended up, but there's a good chance it had to be cut off at the hospital.

Checking my phone, there are missed texts from my friends. It's weird to think of them as friends, but it also fills me with a warmth to know I'm not completely alone anymore. Well, at least at work and maybe the occasional outing. Cementoss, Midnight and Ectoplasm all asked for updates about my injuries and Cementoss even asked if I needed dinner brought to me.

Hizashi messaged me right after I fell asleep asking how I was and letting me know Aizawa is awake and talking. Relief rushes through me reading that he'll be released this afternoon. It seems a little fast to me since he was unconscious for so long, but I'm not a medical professional.

I'm exhausted just thinking about replying to each of them individually so instead, I do the unthinkable. I make a group chat.

Hey all, thanks for trying to check in. Sorry I didn't respond yesterday when I got home. After dinner I got really tired and passed out on my couch (thanks for offering to bring me food, Cementoss). I'm pretty sore today, but overall fine. I'm going to try to swing by Recovery Girl before the meeting this morning. See you all there.

Y/N???? YOU made the group chat??????

Which means I can also remove you from it.

Wait! Don't! Please! I'll bring coffee to the meeting!

You're on thin ice.

Good to hear from you, y/n! Happy you're feeling better! See you soon! Hiz, I want a caramel cappuccino.

They all continue to send more well wishes and put in their coffee order to Hizashi. I'm already regretting my decision to make a group chat as my phone constantly buzzes in my pocket, but it might be worth it if I get free coffee from it. I make a large portion of eggs, bacon, toast, and sausage for breakfast, hoping to give myself as much energy as I can before getting fully healed by Recovery Girl. I clean up,  slip on my gloves and grab my things for the day before leaving.

I skip the subway and drive my own car today. My car is nothing flashy, just reliable transportation from point A to point B. I'm parked and walking into the school by 7:30.

Recovery Girl isn't in the infirmary, so she must have already made her way down to the meeting. Power Loader is on the way to the teachers' lounge so I stop and put a request in for another fighting staff, this time made out of a denser material. It'll be easier for me to make the metal max density if the staff is already pretty dense to begin with. It'll be heavier, but I'll adjust to the weight in no time.

Five minutes until the meeting is supposed to start, I enter the room and see my friends. Hizashi sees me before the others and waves me over. They saved me a seat. Hizashi slides my coffee over to me as I wince lowering myself into my chair.

"I didn't know how you take it so I have sugar packets and some creamer if you need it." He tells me. I take a long sip. It's not as good as the coffee cart, but it'll do in a pinch. "I thought you were going to see Recovery Girl this morning?"

"This is great. Thanks." I tell him, turning to acknowledge the others. There's one empty chair to my left at our table. "She wasn't in her office, so I'll stop by after."

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