Chapter 26

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I wake up to an alarm tone that I don't recognize warm and utterly relaxed. Unlike a normal night, I slept straight through without a nightmare. My eyes are still heavy and I grumble, starting to shift in the cocoon of covers. It occurs to me that I'm laying mostly on my stomach with my head and right hand on something more solid than my normal pillow and a warm muscular arm is wrapped around my back and resting on my right hip.

I'm laying on Aizawa. My head is on the spot where his shoulder meets his chest and my hand is flat on his strong, muscular chest. His baggy clothes really don't do his figure justice.

Aizawa finally registers that his alarm is going off and he reaches with his free arm to the side table to turn it off. He's careful not to jostle me.

"Y/n." He whispers, stroking my side with his thumb. I just grumble back and snuggle in closer, dragging my hand down to his defined abs and across to his side so my arm is draped across his center. "Oh, come on now. We have to get up for work."

He gets more grumbles from me. He turns on his side facing me and pulls me in closer, breathing in deeply and letting it out. I feel the exhale on the top of my head.

As if I just realized what was happening, my eyes fly open and I push on his chest to squirm out of his arms. I didn't know how close to the edge of the bed I was, so pushing off him causes me to fall off the bed. I land, letting out a grunt of pain.

"Are you alright?" Aizawa peers over the edge of the bed and looks down at me.

"Yeah. Fine." I stand, wrapping my arms around my stomach, suddenly embarrassed and avoiding eye contact. "I should get home." I turn to grab my bag from against the wall.

"Wait, slow down." He scrambles out of bed, and walks toward me. "I'll make breakfast."

"I really need to get home." I finally see what he's wearing. It's identical to the clothes he let me borrow. They look better on him. "Do you only own one style of boxers?"

"These are the only two I own that have this design. They're my favorite." He replies.

"You let me borrow a pair of your favorite boxers?" I ask, not sure how to feel about it.

"Yes I did." He whispers. "Stay for breakfast."

"I really can't. I'm already going to miss my morning run, I need to pack a lunch and change my clothes." I say, finally looking up to meet his eyes. He's got serious bed head and I want to run my fingers through it to fix it. "I can pack one for you too."

"You don't have to." He replies. He looks disappointed.

Securing my bag around me, I leave the bedroom to grab my shoes from the entrance. I bring them to the balcony door and put them on, Aizawa's eyes tracking all my movements.

"You should stay for breakfast." He sits on the couch, still watching me.

"It's tempting, but based on how long dinner went, we're sure to lose track of time and I'll end up having to go to work in this." I gesture to his set of clothes on me.

"You should work in those, you look good." He says in a serious tone.

"So I see it's your turn to have brain damage." I say with a small chuckle, leaning down to tie my shoes. My legs are mostly free of scars and his boxers hang low enough that the stab wound I got the other day is hidden.

"You're beautiful, y/n." He says it so softly, It takes a couple moments to register. I look up at him, looking for any sign that he's teasing or mocking me.

The Reaper (Aizawa x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now