Chapter 23

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The next two weeks flew by. I spent every lunch with my friends, feeding Aizawa when he would let me. Each day would make me feel more relaxed and comfortable around these people. I was in hardcore denial about the hero costume shoved into the back of my closet.

One day, Power Loader happened to walk in during lunch and talk about how scary The Reaper looked and proceeded to bash the hero for being "a villainous looking asshole". I had nothing to say to that but Aizawa was very interested to learn as much about the exchange as possible. Later I asked him why he cared and he told me that he was just trying to gather as much intel as possible before having to work with the monster.

On the day of the sports festival, I get dressed in my hero costume. Tying the sash on the long sleeved top feels like I'm strapping myself into a straight jacket. I don't quite feel like myself without my leather jacket.

There's going to be a quick faculty meeting before we all have to go tend our duties for the day and I'm dreading being reintroduced to my friends as the person they have been heavily insulting for two weeks. I should have found the time to tell them, but I couldn't bring myself to ruin our friendship prematurely.

I want to think that they would be understanding and still accept me because they know me better now, but I've done a lot of things as The Reaper and a lot worse has been implied about me. With a sigh, I pull my hood snuggly over my head and attach the scythe to my back. The reflection looking back at me in the bathroom mirror isn't one I ever wanted to see again, but I guess it's time to do my job and it's far past time I accept that.

At school, I float toward Nezu's office. He emailed me yesterday asking to talk before the meeting.

"Ah, Reaper, I'm glad to see you." Nezu smiles as me as I close the door behind me.

"You're the only one." I reply, sitting down in a chair across from his desk and deactivating my quirk. "All the other faculty have been bashing me for the past two weeks and I just know this meeting isn't going to go well."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Nezu folds his hands together on his desk. "We aren't revealing your real identity to the staff."

"Why?" I ask "I'm a little relieved but wouldn't it be easier to tell them rather than have to explain why 'The Reaper' and I are never in the same room?"

"Yes, it would be easier to tell the staff, but we still don't know who fed information to the League of Villains and how they broke onto school grounds before the USJ attack. The less people who know the identity of The Reaper, the better." He says. "Have you told anyone?"

"No." I answer. There's a feeling of relief that washes over me that my friends won't know who I really am. There's also a feeling of dread that I'm going to have to lie to them constantly or at the very least, I'll have to be creative with my words.

"Okay. Good. I'll introduce you to the staff at the meeting and then you'll leave to go start patrol around the arena. In the afternoon, you will be patrolling inside the arena. After the event, monitor to make sure there are no issues as people leave, then do one last sweep to make sure there are no stragglers. You don't need to check in after, unless there's something of note to report." Nezu explains my task for the day.

"And if you're asked, how will you explain my 'absence' at the faculty meeting?" I question.

"There are a few that will already be on patrol during the faculty meeting, doing initial security sweeps. I'll say that you're among those." He answers.

The Reaper (Aizawa x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now