Small Family Trip

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It was hard but he did it. Not by himself, no way could he do it himself. He's not skilled like that. But Sanji couldn't help but be happy, even proud. 

"Mommy where are we going?" Megumi asked staring out the window. Zoro also stared out the window. He was is very confused.

"I have no idea." Zoro says. He had no idea where they were going. Last night Sanji told them that he planned what they were doing on Saturday. That morning he woke everyone up, got everyone to get ready and left without saying a word. His first guess is that Sanji got tickets and is taking them somewhere, but where? They did talk about going to the amusement park or the aquarium on New Years so maybe that's where they are going. But Sanji didn't make or pack them lunch, and no way is he fine with them eating the food there so that can't be it. 

Plus, they were still planning the wedding. It's been a week and they are getting calls and talking to people in a rush trying to get this done within the two months. It's been so crazy that he thought they could take a break from planning today and relax as a family. That was all ruined when Sanji started yelling and shouting for everyone to get ready and dressed. Made a quick breakfast and they were off. And they've been driving for a while now. "Daddy, we've been going in circles are you lost?" Megumi wined. She's right, it's getting closer to lunch and they still haven't made it to their destination? Just where are they going?

"I'm not lost, it's just confusing. I've never been around this area before but it can't be that far. I mean it's got to be close." Sanji mutters as he drove, looking forward, leaning forward in his seat.

"Why are we even here?" Zoro asks yawning. He would like to go back home and take a nap before the chaoticness of wedding planning is back again. 

"It's important. I've been searching for so long and we are so close. I'm not giving up now." Sanji says determined. Zoro had a lot to say, but couldn't say it all at once. What was so important that he dragged them all out of bed and got them lost? What was he searching for? And couldn't they do this another day?

"You're so weird cook." Zoro breaths out.

"You won't be saying that in a few seconds. Once I find it. Soon, you will be leaping into my arms crying how much you love me." Sanji grins.

"You mean more than I already do?" Zoro asks giving him a confused look. Sanji's grin grows, making him look like a doofus, but Zoro can't go back on loving this doofus.

"You love me that much huh? But with this you will forget all of your celebrity crushes." Sanji says with so much pride. Zoro just laughs. Now a little curious on what Sanji is planning.

"Focus on the road." Zoro says turning Sanji's head, luckily they were at a stop sign.

"It will happen." Sanji mutters under his breath as he drives. Zoro just rolls his eyes, but he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face. He looks out the window. Can't complain to much. They might not be going to some big theme park or aquarium but they are together as a family. That's all the matters. Megumi doesn't seem upset, more just wants to gets out and stretch her legs, running around like a dog. 

Speaking of, maybe they will get her one in secret. As much as it seems she likes to have fun with them, as a family, during those down times they have she seems like she needs a buddy. Maybe a dog would be good for her. As much as they love playing with her, they could only do so much before they get tired and can't keep up with her. A dog, or even a puppy would be able to run with her for hours and maybe even tire her out. Something they can't seem to do. A puppy would be better, they could train it. It's either that or another baby.

Zoro looks over at Megumi then Sanji. That's something he hasn't thought about. He doesn't even know if the blonde wants another kid. He knows that Sanji wanted a kid and now he has Megumi, but does he want another? Does he want another? Zoro rest a hand on his stomach. He never really thought about it. Megumi was not planned so he was always focused on her and only her. He never thought he would fall in love and is now getting married. 

Zoro shakes his head then looks out the window. One thing at a time. He and Sanji are getting married. Having more kids will be a talk with Sanji one day or never, just like when they talked about marriage they'll talk about kids too if it comes to that.

Zoro jumps in his seat and smacks his face against the window of the car, trying to get a look at what they just past. Sanji and Megumi look at him, shocked by the sudden action. "Something wrong?" Zoro sits back, correctly.

"I thought I saw something familiar." Zoro says looking down at his lap. No way, he had to be imagining things. Sanji smiled. Familiar, huh? That means he's getting closer. 

"Are we there yet?" Megumi asks, she was tired of being stuck to the seat in the car. She wants to get out already.

"Almost." Sanji says. He takes a right turn into another street. Zoro couldn't help but sit up closer. It was all coming back. 

When Sanji turned into a parking spot a little ways away from the front door of a house, Zoro was nervous. "Cook! What are we doing here?" He asks. But it went on deaf ears as Sanji was already exiting the car. Zoro couldn't move. What were they doing here? Of all places? Why? It's been so long since he was here.

Sanji helped Megumi out of the car and onto the sidewalk. "Where are we? Why are we here?" Megumi asks.

"For mommy." Sanji answers. Megumi looks confused.

"But mommy is in the car." Megumi says. Sanji just smiles. 

"We are here because of mommy." Sanji says. "You'll see." Sanji say. They see Zoro slowly get out the car, like he really didn't want to get out the car. Sanji smiles. It'll be fine. 

They wait for Zoro to get out the car but he doesn't move from the sidewalk. Sanji walks with Megumi up to the door bell. They turn and see Zoro barely on the first of the five steps up. Sanji rings the doorbell. The bell rang and echoed in the silent street. Megumi went up and rang the bell again. 

It was silent until they heard the door opening. An older large lady came out, with  orange hair, small eyes and nose, but a large face that showed she looked tired. She wore an apron on top of her yellow shirt and pinks pants. "Who-?" She stops as she gets a familiar look at green hair. Her eyes widen. "Zoro? Is that you?" She asks.

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