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"Twins?" Zoro asks shocked, his eyes focus on the screen, he did think it was odd the baby ultrasound pictures looked like they were mirroring.

"I didn't tell you?" he asks again.

"No, you left that out." Zoro answers.

"Sorry," he says. They turn to the side to see Sanji fall.

"Cook!" Zoro shouts leaning forward. Crokus goes to check on the blonde.

"He's fine. The news must have knocked him out." the doctor explains. "How did I not tell you?" he questions. He thinks back to when they first came, he saw twins and was going to tell them so why didn't he?

Oh right, they were disturbed. The nurse came in, calling for him to help so he left. When he came back he continued the check. The other appointments after he assumed he told them. And it was never brought up again until now.


Zoro dressed himself. He finished his check up. He hears the door open, turning to see who it is, glad that he finished putting his clothes on. He is mildly shocked to see the young doctor coming in. "Chopper." he says. Chopper smiles at the man. He looks away to see the blonde on the floor.

"Oh, is he okay?" the doctor asks.

"Crokus says he just fainted because of the news, can you help me get to the car?" he asks. Chopper nods. Together they make it to the car, putting Sanji in the back. Zoro looks at Chopper. "How did you know we were here?" he asks.

"Sanji called us. I was called, he was worried about you. I happen to be with Nami, so he asked her to take care of Megumi. I was dropped off by Brook who joined Nami."

"Then I'm going to drive." Zoro says sitting in the driver's seat. Chopper in the passenger's seat. Zoro drives around until they get to a small convenient store. Zoro parks then leaves to get himself some water.

"Urgg," Sanji groans as he wakes.

"Sanji!" Chopper shouts happy to see him awake.

"What happened?" Sanji asks sitting up.

"No idea, when I showed up you were on the floor. We got you in the car and Zoro drove us to a store to get some water." Chopper explains.

"Where is Zoro?" Sanji asks sitting up.

"He should be back." Chopper looks at the blonde. "Why did you faint?" he ask curious. Sanji sits back remembering what the doctor had told him. Twins. They are having twins.

Zoro came back with water. They switched places, Sanji in the driver's seat, Zoro in the passenger seat and Chopper in the back. The ride home is silent, with the blonde freaking out about having twins, the marimo chugging water and Chopper sat quietly. Sanji had been very quiet.

They made their way home. Walking in the apartment they found Nami, Brook and Megumi laughing. Zoro smiles as he walks in behind Sanji. "You seem like you're having fun." Zoro says. They all turn to him with smiles and relief faces.

"Zoro are you okay? We heard from Sanji." Nami asks getting up from the couch to him, Brook and Megumi also walk to the man. Megumi hugs Zoro.

"I'm fine. Just dehydrated." Zoro answers.

"Hey Sanji who was the woman that was taking care of Megumi?" Brooks ask, having lost the bet against Nami.

"My sister." Sanji answers still trying to wrap his head around the news.

"Your sister was here?" Zoro asks shocked, knowing she missed the wedding and how upset he was, still must be. The blonde told him about how she visits every year.

"Yeah, but I didn't stay long." Sanji says.

"Is she coming back?" Zoro asks. Sanji shrugs his shoulder.

"I don't know." he says and they all could tell the blonde is not thinking about his sister. He's got something else on his mind.

"Are you okay?" Zoro asks.

"Zoro! Did you not hear the doctor?"

"I heard him, why?" Zoro raises his eyebrow. Sanji opens his mouth but closes his mouth a second later. He should talk about this without a crowd. He gives the others a smile, then grabs Zoro's hand and pulls him to their room. He pulls Zoro then closes the door behind him. He looks at Zoro. He stares at the man.

"Zoro, twins, am I the only one who heard that?"

"No, I heard too, but why are you freaking out?"

"Twin! I've never taken care of an infant before, now there's two."

"Sanji we have Megumi, and there's me. I know how to take care of babies. Sanji you are not alone." Zoro smiles at Sanji, who looks down at the floor, letting the other man go. "Does it bother you that much?"

"I'm happy, but I don't know anything." Sanji says frowning.

"I think I still have the baby books you could read. Do you want them?"

"Yes Please." Sanji nods, his worry slightly going away.


"Yes, thanks." Sanji smiles, he reaches forward and kisses Zoro on his cheek. He looks down at Zoro's stomach, holding his hand out to touch his stomach. They are having twins. Now he's excited about it. "Did you get their gender?" he asks shocking the other man.

Zoro gives him a smile. "Yes."

"What are they? Boys, girl, boy and girl?" Sanji asks curious. Zoro laughs at Sanji's curiousity.

"I don't know." He says, the blonde looking at him confused.

"What?" He voices his confusion, no way Zoro is lying to him, the man can't lie, and he doesn't lie it's not in his nature.

"I asked Crokus to put it in an envelope." Zoro takes out an envelope. "I thought you would want to know first." Zoro smiles as he hands it over to the blonde. Sanji takes the envelope with shaky hands, nervous to know. With trembling fingers he reaches to open the envelope but he stops, and looks at Zoro who smile at him.

"I think I have a better idea. I remember the girls talking about a baby shower, maybe we can reveal the gender then?" Sanji asks, as a suggestion.

"Think Zeff would let us use the Baratie?" Zoro asks back with a smile.

"If you ask, and he's invited."

"Of course." The marimo says with a smile.

"So yes?"


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