Date Night

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Sanji shined his shoes as he looked at Megumi getting help putting her coat on by Zoro. Megumi wore her white dress with floral patterns, a gift from Zeff. Zoro had put Megumi's hair up in a neat bun wrapped in a braid decorated with with flowers she had got for her birthday and some from Christmas. Megumi had also gotten some beautiful earrings on, a bracelet and necklace on. Sanji smiled as he saw how dolled up Megumi is. No make up she wasn't there yet in her interests but she looked very cute. Especially with the coat, another Christmas gift. Zoro made sure she was warm with her coat and mittens. She's wearing a dress and slippers in late January. It's still winter and the weather hasn't gotten warmer, if anything it has gotten colder and he doesn't want her to catch a cold. 

"Ready?" Sanji asks. Zoro stands up and smiles at the Megumi then Sanji. The cook was in a nice navy blue dress pants, balzer with a white shirt. His black shoes are shined and reflect almost everything off it. 

"I think that's it." Zoro says nodding at the two. 

"So we'll be late. Is there a curfew for her?" Sanji asks. Zoro just raised his eyebrow. Sanji is seriously asking about a curfew for his own daughter. Zoro then lets out a puff of a laugh.

"As long as your don't lose her it doesn't matter how long you guys are out, or how late you both come home." Zoro says. 

"Alright let's go." Sanji tells Megumi. She nods. Sanji grabs her ear muffs and puts them on her, making sure not to mess up her hair.

"Remember Megumi-" Zoro starts.

"I remember my manners." She says. Zoro looks at Megumi and he knows somethings up. 

"Hey cook why don't you go ahead." Zoro says.

"Are you sure?" Sanji asks. Zoro just gives him a look. A very serious. Sanji nods, "okay, I'll wait at the car, warm it up." Sanji leaves for his car. 

Zoro gets down on his knees as the blonde leaves, he gets eye level with her. He looks straight in her eyes. "What wrong?" He asks. Megumi looks shocked at this. She was found out. She turns her head away breaking eye contact.  Zoro tilts his head. "Tell me and we'll try to fix it." Zoro says soothingly. Megumi peaks at Zoro, looks away then turns back to Zoro.

"I'm nervous." She says looking worried. "Grandpa and you taught me how to eat but what if I mess up?" Zoro gives her a reassuring smiles. 

"There's nothing to be nervous about. If you don't know something it's okay to ask. I'm sure daddy would be happy to help and teach you." Zoro says. Megumi nods. "Ready?" He asks.

"She nods and gives him a smile." He walks her down to the garage and walk to Sanji's car. Zoro helps Megumi in her seat, careful with her dress and closes her door. Sanji gets out of the driver side of the car and goes to Zoro.

"What happened?" Sanji asks.

"She was just nervous. Make sure to ask her if she needs help, tell her it's okay to not know." Zoro tells the cook, he nods. He gives Zoro a quick kiss and goes back to the driver's seat. Zoro steps back and out of the way of the car. Sanji backup and drives away. Zoro waves at them, Sanji seeing from the rearview mirror. It was just them now. 

Zoro shivers as he stood there in the cold garage in nothing but slippers and his pajamas. He turns away and goes back to the apartment. Once home he closes the door. After giving it some thought he locks the door. Sanji has the keys. Zoro makes himself some tea, turn the water on to fill the tub, got some bath salts, put on some of his favorite music, made a snack and got a book. It was just him for the night and he's going crazy with a nice relaxing bath for as long as he wants.  With everything set, his plate of rice balls, his cup of tea, his book and the music on, Zoro sinks into the hot, flower smelling water with the few bubbles and flower petals. He sighs and smiles at the feeling. All the knots in his muscle seem to just disappear. He felt like he could live there. He's got to enjoy this as much as he can. 

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