Serious Talk

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Sanji watches Zoro make omelettes and breakfast sandwiches. Zoro sees from the corner of his eyes Sanji just standing there.

"Do you want one?" Zoro asks. Sanji thinks for a second. Sanji wants to talk to Zoro about leaving Megumi alone at home. It would be weird if he left then came back. Plus he doesn't know what Zoro does during the day. He could be busy.

"Yeah. I also want to talk to you, if you're not busy." Sanji sits at the table. Zoro swallows the lump in his his throat. Did he finally figure it out?

"I'm not busy today. Just dropping off Megumi at school, then maybe clean and exercise. What would you like to drink? We have apple juice, orange juice, and milk. Or do you want water?" Zoro asks as he puts plates down on the table.

"Orange juice... please." Sanji says extremely unsure and a little awkward. He's never had to say please with Zoro. He sees Zoro nod. Zoro comes from around the island setting omelettes and sandwiches on plates. Just then Megumi comes out wearing light jeans, a super hero shirt and a purple jacket that match her socks. Her hair brushed and out of the braid.

"What would you like to drink, apple juice, orange juice or milk?" Zoro asks getting cups.

" juice please." She says as she sets her jacket on the back of the chair before climbing on. Zoro comes around with their drinks, he placing them down then sits in his seat. Megumi and Zoro clap their hands together and say thank you for the food before they both start eat. Sanji is hesitate but then digs in. The only person who has ever cooked for Sanji would have to be Zeff. He's never eaten food made by anyone other than himself and Zeff. Sanji takes a bite out of the sandwich first and his face lights up as his eyes sparkle. It's really good. He goes for the omelette and again, it's really good. There's a warmness to it, well other than it being warm from it having just been cooked. But Sanji could feel, love and joy from the food. It's making him happy.

Some of his customers have told him that sometimes when they eat his cooking they feel energized and stronger. Some have even said his food cured them of their tired. Sanji has never experienced that before, well other than when he first started studying with Ivankov. 

Sanji ate happier than he's been in a while. He's still mad at Zoro but they're going to talk about it soon. Once they were all done Zoro grabbed everyone's plate and put it in the sink letting it rinse before turning the water off.

"Come on let's do your hair." Zoro says as he and Megumi walk to the bathroom. Sanji follows behind them. He took out a stool and she climbed on without having to be told. Zoro brushes her hair into a messy bun before grabbing a purple scarf to tie around her head as a headband. The scarf holding her bangs back. The scarf is tied with a bow at the front. "There done." Zoro says putting the brush away as Megumi gets off the stool. "Go wait for me." Zoro orders. She nods and runs off past Sanji grabbing her jacket and turning to the front door. Zoro puts the stool away before going to his room to grab a sweater and walking out with socks. Sanji follows Zoro to the door where he sits down to put his socks on. Megumi already ready with her shoes on.

"Do you want a ride?" Sanji asks. Zoro looks up at Sanji then at Megumi.

"Do you want to?" Zoro asks Megumi. She nods her head.

"Yes," she grins. Zoro stands up as Sanji puts his shoes on. Zoro pats himself down, making sure he has everything. Now that Sanji has his shoes on they all head out after Zoro locks the door. Sanji leads them to the car. Zoro opens the back seat to see the booster still there. Zoro helps Megumi into the seat and putting seat belt on before going to the passenger seat, Sanji already in the driver's seat. 

"Where too?" Sanji asks turning the ignition on.

"It's a left, then a right, then down two blocks before a left, right, right..." Sanji blocks her out then looks at Zoro who is nodding along with her.

"What street?" Sanji ask.

"Foosha." Zoro says and Sanji looks at him shocked. He looks back at Megumi then at Zoro again. Zoro looks confused at to why Sanji is staring at him like he's crazy. Oh no, Megumi has the same directional sense as Zoro, meaning they both don't have one. Foosha is really close. Sanji looks at Zoro again to see he has his seat belt on, then back at Megumi to see she has her seat belt on with her backpack next to her.

Sanji drives them to the school, where Zoro drops her off. He waits at the drop off area for Zoro to come back from talking to the teacher. She seem really shocked to see Zoro so early and with a ride. After that's done they head back to the apartment. Sanji almost just dropped Zoro off and left before he remembered why he stayed in the first place. Sanji parks then follows Zoro back to the apartment where, after taking his shoes off he goes to clean the dishes.

After minutes of silence Sanji decides to start talking about it. "How irresistible do you have to be to leave her alone at night, by herself?" Sanji starts feeling his anger coming back to him. Zoro turns to look at him.

"That's what you wanted to talk to me about?" Sanji nods with a frown on his face. "Sanji I can't afford a babysitter so late at night. It's the best I could do considering my job."

"Then get a different job."

"It's not that easy."

"Seriously, you are so not fit to be parent. Not worried about your own child." Sanji mutters to himself but Zoro heard. Zoro snapped. Scowling at Sanji he pulls his hand back before they make contact with Sanji's cheek. The slap echoes through the apartment. Sanji holds his cheek with his hand as he looks Zoro, face red with anger.

"You don't think I worry that she's here all alone, in a dark apartment with no one with her!!?? I have to make a choice, I worry about her or do my job so she has a room, so she has a roof over her head!! I don't want you lecturing me, I raised her, what about you? Have you ever raised a kid?" Zoro shouts. Sanji's cheek throbbing, it didn't help that Zoro was washing dishes when he slapped Sanji. "It's not easy!" Zoro shouts. Sanji freezes. He remembered what Robin told him. 'Raising a kid by yourself is hard.' It must have been hard for Zoro since he was so busy raising Megumi to find help, to find his friends.

"Sorry. I-I was overstepping." Sanji says. Zoro just turns back to washing the dishes. "I was just worried. I don't know why I just am." Sanji explains himself. Zoro turns his head to look over his shoulder at Sanji. His eyebrow furrowed, like he's thinking hard. He is, why is he so worried about someone else's child? He wants to take care of her, he wants to protect her. "I'll babysit for you." Sanji blurts out. Why did he just says that?

"Ok." Zoro says. Sanji looks at Zoro's back shocked. 


"Ok. If you want to I wont stop you. Since you feel strongly about it." Zoro adds. "We have dinner at six and I put her to bed at eight." Sanji smiles. "Don't you have work?" Zoro asks. Sanji looks at his watch and sees it's late, well early but he's going to be late.

"Shit, I'm going to be late."

"I work tonight!!" Zoro shouts, then he hears the door close. Zoro puts the last dish in the dishwasher before drying his hands on a towel. He goes to lay on the couch. He's not mad at Sanji, he has every right to worry but for him to go and start judging and lecturing him, especially when he doesn't know, but that's Zoro's fault.

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