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The police officers arrest the man. Another officer asks Sanji some questions about it and that's when he remembers Megumi. He goes into Zoro's room to find it empty. "Megumi!" Sanji shouts. He looks around scanning everything. No sign of her beautiful green hair. "Megumi!" He yells again. His heart is pounding every second that passes. He checks the closet, nothing. Where else could she be? Then he hears a sniffle. He gets on his knees and bends over to see Megumi in a ball with eyes shut tight and her hands covering her ears, one hand holding the phone close to her ear the other under her head, laying on her side. "Megumi, it's me." He says softly.

He watches as she opens one eye slowly. When she sees Sanji she opens the other. Blue meets blue. Sanji smiles. "Mommy?" She asks. Sanji holds his arm out, holding his hand for her to grab.

"He's safe now." Sanji gives another smile and Megumi nods laying her hand on his. She scoots closer to Sanji until Sanji is able to scoop her up in his arms. "Close your eyes." Sanji tells her as he pats her head that is resting on his shoulder.

"Who's that?" The officer that he was talking to asks.

"Ou- his daughter." Sanji says noticing the spot Zoro was laying in empty.

"Was she here when it happened?" He ask as he writes things down.

"Yes, she's the one that called me."

"Is it all right if I ask her questions?"

"Yeah, can we do that outside?"

"Of course." He smiles and moves away so Sanji can carry Megumi outside. Once outside Sanji turn to the officer. He shrugs the shoulder Megumi is resting her head on. "Megumi it's ok now. Open your eyes." He watches as she slowly lifts her head up opens her eyes. "This officer wants to ask you questions about what happened." She nods and turns to the officer.

"Hi, my name is Smoker. Can you tell me what happened?"

"Me and mommy finished our bath and he was going to put it in a braid. Someone knocked on the door. Mommy told me to wait so I did. I sat on the stool and waited for mommy but he didn't come. There was a loud sound so I went to see if mommy was hurt and..." she pauses, tears fill her eyes as she tightens her grip on Sanji pajama shirt. "The man was on top of mommy, he hurt mommy." Megumi says crying.

"Mommy?" Smoker asks looking at Sanji.

"Zoro is a carrier, he gave birth to Megumi." Sanji explains.

"Mommy's ok now, so what happened after?"

"Mommy said 'go to your room and stay there.'" She says, doing her best to imitate Zoro speaking Japanese.

"What does that mean?" Smoker looks at Sanji who just shrugs back.

"Megumi what does that mean?"

"Go to you room and stay there. But I went into mommy's room to call Mr. Chef."

"What next?"

"I asked Mr. Chef for help and he told me to stay in mommy's room and cover my ears and that he was coming."

"Thank you, that's all I need. He was taken to the hospital already do you need a ride?" He offers

"Yes, please."

"Then follow me." Sanji does as he's told and follows Smoker down to the empty police car. They get in and Smoker drives them to the hospital.

Sanji runs in and talks to the front desk who tells him that he's still being patched up and to wait. Sanji sits down with Megumi on his lap comforting her as she cried. She would cry, then stop, then cry again before she fell asleep. Sanji slept a little after her.

Morning came and Sanji is still asleep with a sleeping Megumi on his lap. The other straw hat came rushing in to the front desk just like Sanji but more frantic than he was.

"Then you're with him?" The nurse asks pointing at Sanji and Megumi.

"Sanji!" They shout going over to him. They go over to him and stare. There he sat sleeping holding Megumi close to him. They all smile at him. They all know he's taking a liking to her. They also have gotten the hint that Sanji might want kids and since Zoro is the only one of his friends that he's close to who has one, he's gotten close. Going as far as to help him with his job. 'He'd be a great father.' They all think.

"Sanji," Nami says as quietly as she shakes his shoulder a little. "Sanji." She says again. "Sanji," she nudges Sanji's shoulder. He jerks awake looking shaken up.

"Guys, what are-?" He looks around and sees he's in the waiting room. Oh right he was waiting for the nurse to tell him that Zoro's fine and what room he's in. "How did you guys know?" Sanji asks. He's been there the whole time, he hasn't told Zeff yet. He should probably call it in, he might not be going to work for a while. 

"We wanted to see if Zoro wanted to do something, we could bring Megumi too so we went to the apartment." Nami says.

"When we got there, there were police officers at Zoro's door. We ask the landlord what happened and she said that Zoro was attacked?" Robin questions, it just doesn't sound right to say that.

"She also said he was sent to the hospital, what happened?" Chopper asks.

"Megumi and Zoro were ready to go to bed when someone knocked on the door, Zoro answered and got attacked."

"Who called you?" Usopp asks.

"Megumi. She was hiding under Zoro's bed when I showed up."

"She called you?" 


"How is she?"

"Before she fell asleep she's was crying off and on." 

"You think she'll be ok?"

"I guess we'll see when she wakes up."

"Roronoa?" They turn to see a nurse standing there.

"Yes." Sanji stands up with a sleeping Megumi in his arms.

"Follow me, he's awake." The nurse says as he shows them down the hall to Zoro's room. He lay down on his back looking out of it. "He's on an anesthesia for the pain. He's going to be a little loopy for a while." The nurse looks at everyone joining in the small room. "A police officer will be shortly to question him, just about when the anesthesia should ware off." The nurse nods and leaves the room.

"Hey Zoro how you doing?" Chopper asks. Zoro chuckles and turns his head. 

"I'm fine?" Zoro chuckles again. "Nothing hurts, well not anymore." Zoro then bursts out laughing like he made some grand joke. "Where's Megumi?" He looks around the room.

"Right here." Sanji walks up. Zoro reaches out and Sanji hands her over to Zoro who holds her close.

"She's not hurt?" Zoro says petting her.

"Not even a scratch?"

"Good." Zoro smiles a tear falling down his cheek.  After a while they hear him snoring.

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