Planning Thanksgiving

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The whole group decided to have another gathering on Sunday to see each other and talk. They were at a different place than normal. They were pretty sure that they were going to cause that place to go bankrupt soon. They decided to switch it up at a different buffet place. This one a little more kid friendly. This time Law and some of his friends joined along with Kaya and Vivi. 

Zoro was glad because it let him and Sanji rest from cooking dinner. Megumi always loved coming because it was like a party, plus she got to play with Luffy which didn't happen often. 

"So what are you both going to do for Thanksgiving?" Nami asks swatting away Luffy's wandering hands. Then she looked over at Zoro and Sanji sitting next to each other, Sanji eating and Zoro telling Megumi to eat before she go to the small kid play area. Sanji look up at her then at Zoro. They hadn't talked about it. 

"I don't know. We haven't talked about it." Sanji says. 

"What do you normally do?" Vivi asks also smacking Luffy's wondering hand away, without looking away from Sanji.

"I visit the old man and the others. Since they don't have family we all just spent the day cooking then eating. Like a very weird and dysfunctional family." Sanji looks over at Zoro who was trying to get Megumi to sit still and eat. This seems to always happen now. When Luffy is around her she has a one track mind and that's to play with Luffy. While Luffy can stuff his face and play Megumi can not. "What about you marimo?"

"What?" Zoro says having not paid attention to them.

"What do you usually do on Thanksgiving?"

"Nothing special. Spent the day with Megumi then make all her favorites for dinner. And since this is the only time to get pumpkin pie, I buy that with some whipped cream. Then we watch some of her favorite movies till late." Zoro says with a smile, then he realizes something. "I guess it's just like any other day." Zoro says. It really is nothing special but it's one those rare weeks off so he enjoyed it as much as he can. Now it's different. 

"Did you have something planned?" Sanji asks. 

Everyone shakes their head no. They were all doing what they normally do. Everyone is going to be spending time with their family. Well not like usual. Nami and her family is going to go over to Vivi's as a way to introduce her family to Vivi's. The fact that they are now more open with their relationship. Law is going to take Luffy to his family, along with his friends and Luffy's brothers. Ace is going to say hello and introduce himself before going over to introduce himself to his own, new, boyfriends big family. Apparently they had rock paper scissor who is going to introduce themselves first, and Ace lost so he's going to meet his boyfriends family, then the next holiday the boyfriends is going to introduce himself to them. 

This year, Kaya and Usopp are going to join families for Thanksgiving. Chopper is going to be staying with his grandmother. Brook is visiting some old friends. Robin and Franky are traveling to Water 7 this year to visit Iceberg, Franky's brother and some other relatives that Franky hasn't seen in a long time. 

Sanji looked at Zoro, wondering what he's going to do. Stay with Zoro and Megumi or see the old man and the others.


With Megumi all tired out and full, they all seperated and left.

Zoro carried Megumi from the car to their apartment, having to wake her up to get her into her pajamas. When Zoro saw that Megumi went back to sleep he stepped outside of her room, closing the door slowly. When he looked up he saw Sanji pacing back and forth, deep in thought. 

Zoro watched him for a second before just asking, "what are you thinking about so hard?"

Sanji pauses and looked at Zoro shocked. Did he think he was hiding it? "I'm thinking about Thanksgiving." Zoro nodded.

"What about it?" Zoro continued as he walked to the kitchen to make himself some tea before going to bed himself. 

Sanji sat himself at the table. "I was thinking about what to do for Thanksgiving." Sanji says grumbling a little after. 

"What do you mean?" Zoro asks. "Aren't you going to do what you always do?" He asks, seeming a little shocked that Sanji seems to be thinking about this. Why would he?

"Well, I always go to Zeffs. But I want to stay here with you and Megumi." Sanji says. He hears Zoro give a humm of acknowledgement. That makes sense.

"Why not combine them." Zoro says as he reaches forward, grabbing a cup for his tea.

"What?" Sanji looks at Zoro's back shocked.

"If you want, why not let us join you. I'm sure the old man wouldn't mind us joining." Zoro says pouring his tea.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to stay here with Megumi? Watch movies and spend time together?" Sanji exclaimed shocked. Wasn't that a tradition he has with Megumi? He didn't want to disrupt it. He probably never had tradition back in the orphanage. Sanji looks up at Zoro, hearing the other man laughing. Zoro looked back from adding milk and honey to his tea.

"What's with you? You make it sound like I'm making a choice between life and death. Eating and watching movies is what we do every weekend anyways, I'm sure going over to see Zeff would be better. Megumi might enjoy it more. She loves her grandpa." Zoro says sitting down.

"I don't want to ruin or disturb any traditions you might have." Sanji says with his head down. 

"Traditions?" Zoro looks at him shocked. Then he lets out a laugh shocking Sanji. What could be so funny? "I guess you could call it that." Zoro says taking deep breaths to calm himself. "It just sort of happened. I hated the place we were at and had been trying to get out. That week was the first time after giving birth to Megumi that I was getting a break. A whole week. I didn't know what to do, I also didn't have anything planned and I didn't want to go out of my room with him there so for Thanksgiving I made myself a feast, cleaned the kitchen and brought all the food to my room where I locked myself and Megumi in until I knew he was gone. I didn't have much in the room just books so I read and took care of Megumi. The next year Megumi had just turned one and we were in our own place. Someone had given me a tv so I watched some with Megumi and we just ate. But at that time I was trying to get Megumi to eat, with how picky she was it was messy." Zoro says with a foreboding look on his face. Sanji looked at him. If that's the case..

"Then how about we do this," Zoro looks at Sanji as he continued to talk.

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