Together Again

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Dragon and Unicorn here. I'm not back. I'm trying to finish How To Treat A Lady but it's a lot harder to do than Just Meant To Be was. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here. I haven't forgotten. So here's a chapter as an apology and a little bribe to wait a little longer. I'm so close to finishing How To Treat A lady. 

Zoro takes Megumi's face in his hands and kisses her repeatedly before pulling her into a hug and Sanji hugs her from behind, opposite of Zoro. "I was so worried." Zoro says on the verge of crying again.

"I'm so glad they found you." Sanji says kissing the top of her head.

"Sorry to bother the reunion but just to make sure we need to check your wristband. You know." A worker says with a tablet in his hands.

"Oh right sure." Sanji says and Zoro nods. The pull out their wrist and so does Megumi to show them their wrist bands. At the front gate they hand both parents sign their wrist bands and they both signed Megumi's. The signature matches. The worker nods and goes back inside.

"You're here," Zoro says smiling.

"Where were you?" Sanji asks.

"I saw someone with a pirate hat and wanted to know where they got it from but I lost them and you. I tried looking for you both but everything kept moving." Megumi says pouting, stomping her foot on the ground. Sanji laughs. Like mother like daughter.

"We're just glad you're here." Sanji says.

"We've got to be more careful with you." Zoro say looking at her.

"So this is Megumi." Vivi points out coming closer to get a look. She is beautiful. She's got thick black lashes. Her eyes are like the ocean just like Sanji. Her hair and skin are like Zoros, green hair with a slight tan. Since she's never seen Sanji and Zoro when they were little so she doesnt know who she looks like. Megumi back up into Sanji.

"Yes this is Megumi. Today's her birthday so we came to celebrate." Sanji explains.

"Go on and say hi. She's our friend." Zoro whispers to Megumi as he pats her back encouraging her to step forward and say hi.

"H-hi." She stutters with a shy wave of her hand. Vivi smiles at her.

"Hello. I'm Vivi I went to school with your parents." Vivi says softly to not scare her more. Megumi perks up at this.

"School? With Mommy and Daddy?" She asks curiously. Vivi nods. Megumi's face lights with a smile. "Then you were with aunty Nami and Robin kicking the mean guys from schools butts. Big brother Luffy said he's been in a lot of fights with mommy and daddy, Usopp, Franky, Chopper, and Brook."

"Yes, but when I joined in it was just Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji. Chopper joined a little after but I left before Robin joined." Vivo says. Sanji and Zoro sit down on the bench. Zoro takes a deep breath, he thought his heart would stop. Sanji looks at Zoro. They haven't even gotten on a ride yet and they are already tired.

"Told you we would get her." Sanji says rubbing Zoro's back.

"You were just being optimistic." Zoro says.

"Well I knew she would be fine. She is our daughter." Sanji says and without thinking he reaches up to Zoro's head, whose hair is surprisingly soft, pulls him close and kisses him on the cheek then the Forehead. Zoro pulls away from him holding his cheek. His whole face turns red as a strawberry. Well that's a face he wouldn't mind seeing again. Then he remembered what he just did and his face turned equally as red. Zoro stood up covering his face.

"We should get going. We've got all day but we're wasting time sitting here." Zoro says. He puts his backpack on and steps to Megumi. "We should start heading over to the pirates ride." Zoro says. With that Megumi jumps up.

"Yay!!! Finally!" Zoro smiles forgetting already what Sanji had done. Sanji gets up after, standing next to Zoro. Vivi stands up looking at both Sanji and Zoro.

"Is it alright if I join you guys?" Sanji and Zoro look at each other before back at Vivi.

"I don't mind but," Sanji looks down at Megumi then over at Zoro, "it's Megumi's birthday today and we came here to celebrate."

"Oh! I'm sorry. You want to spent it with just the three of you. I understand." Vivi says sounding sad.

"Well if you want to come you can." Sanji says. Zoro just smiles at her and she's shocked for a few seconds before joining. She's never seen Zoro smile, he wasn't one to smile, at all.

They all head over to the pirate ride. Megumi vibrates with excitement the whole way there. Even as they waited in line she couldn't stand still. "She's very excited." Vivi points out smiling at how happy she seems.

Zoro stretches, bending over to stretch his legs. Vivi catches Sanji checking Zoro out. She smiles at how different he is acting from when she knew back then. It's a little funny he thinks he's hiding it. "She's been watching a tv show called The Pirate Princess."

"Pirate Princess?" Vivi questions. She looks at Sanji but he's too busy looking at something else. She looks at Zoro as he stands up.

"It's a kids show. It's not what I expected of a kid show." Zoro explains.

"What do you mean?" Vivi asks. They all take a step forward.

"It's really deep. There's a plot and lessons. The action is realistic."

"What's it about?"

"A princess is run out of her kingdom but she's wanted by the bad guy so she becomes a pirate, and starts her own pirate crew." Sanji says clueing in on the conversation.

"She slowly changes the way others think because even though shes a pirate shes not like the others. She doesn't pillage she helps." Zoro finishes the explanation.

"So that's why she's so excited." Zoro and Sanji nod at the same time. "It sounds like an interesting show."

"It is. Zoro watches is with the same intensity as Megumi." Sanji says covering his smile as he points it's at Zoro. Zoro's face goes red as his eyes widen. He then looks at Sanji with a frown.

"You ask me to pause it when you have to go to the bathroom or cook dinner. How about the time you needed to answer your phone so you paused it. Me and Megumi waited almost two hours for you to finish." This time it was Sanji's turn to be wide eyed and blushing. Vivi just smiles at them. She just shakes her head, they are still them, what are you going to do?

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