Zoro Gets A Break( Chapter 100!!)

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Sanji looked over at Zoro, they were in bed together about to go to sleep. Only Sanji's bedside lamp on. "Everything is set so you don't have to worry about anything. Just sleep in, I got everything." Sanji tells Zoro.

"If you say so." Zoro tells the man as he kiss Sanji on the lip and laying down in bed ready to fall asleep. Sanji nods and turns his lamp off before getting into the covers too, ready to sleep. He's got a day ahead of him. He closes his eyes as he spoons Zoro.


Sanji opened his eyes slowly as he turns to his alarm as it buzzed and let out an annoying sound. He reaches forward and turns his phone off. Then he sighs as he rubs his eyes, rubbing the tired out of it. "You're awake?" He hears from the side. He turns to see Zoro looking at him with his head on the pillow. "When do you plan to take Megumi to Zeff's?" the other man asks. Sanji nods. His mind still a little fuzzy with sleep.

"I'll go after breakfast?" Sanji says stretching his back.

"Need my help?" Zoro asks sitting up then moving the covers to get off the bed. That's when Sanji remembers what he had planned.

"No!" Sanji shouts stopping Zoro who looks at him like he's gone crazy, especially after the sudden outburst. Sanji shakes his head. "No, I told you last night that you don't have to worry about anything." Sanji makes Zoro sit against the headboard then tucks him into bed again. Zoro just let the cook do whatever he just did out of shock. Sanji felt how stiff Zoro is.

"So where am I going to eat breakfast?" Zoro asks the blonde as he got up and went to his closet to get ready for the day.

"In bed," Sanji says like it's obvious. Sanji laughed at the bug eyed looked Zoro gave him. "Today, is for you to relax and not think about anything. So stay in bed." Sanji orders.

"Really?" Zoro asks. A whole day where he could just stay in and sleep? He doesn't think he's ever done that before.

"Yes, really. Once I get Megumi fed I'll bring yours in. I'll collect your plate when you finish. Then I'll drop Megumi off. But once I come back, if you need anything just yell." Sanji explains as he puts on his casual clothes. He hears Zoro say 'yes' and he could guess the man nodded too. Sanji gives him a smile before he leaves the room, not closing the door all the way. His next stop is to Megumi's room. The blonde opens it to see Megumi getting changed, out of her pajamas. He leaves her to it and goes into the kitchen and starts taking things out for breakfast.

He makes french toast, eggs and sausages. By the time he's done Megumi is already seated. When Sanji puts her plate in front of her Megumi looks confused, she then looks over at Zoro's seat. It's not unusual for Zoro to be late for breakfast but almost every time he has been late he's been seated before breakfast is served. "Where's mommy?" Megumi asks.

"Mommy is on break from work so, he's going to rest for today. Remember where we told you you are going?" He ask, just to make sure she remembers.

"I'm going to spend the day with Grandpa. Right?" Megumi answers. Sanji nods.

"Right. I'm dropping you off at the restaurant." He says gathering Zoro's breakfast on a tray. He delivers it to Zoro who gave a silent thank you. When Sanji left the room Zoro was eating his food. He joined Megumi at the table and they ate making small talk. Her talking in a whisper about practicing with the knives more, she still thinks Zoro doesn't know.

When they were done Sanji collected all of the dishes and put them in the sink. As Megumi got her things ready Sanji got Zoro's dishes, adding them to the other dishes in the sink. After that he left to drop Megumi off at Zeffs.

With this Zoro was left alone in the apartment. Sanji knew that this was long over do. Who knew how long it had been since Zoro was aloud to not think about looking out for Megumi, cleaning the apartment or work. Zoro had been given a four day weekend. Two days before New Years and one day after. Sanji wanted to give this day to Zoro, let him sleep in, not have to move and relax. Though it seemed like he failed already, Zoro was awake before him so that's out but the least he could give the man is a relaxing day in bed where he, the boyfriend, the father will be at for Zoro's mercy.

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