Ch. 29 - Jealous Wolf

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The Mage and the Wolf sat at the shared table tapping away at nothing. The two had finished the shared AP Lit assignment and were now waiting for the clock to hit the hour so the class would finally be over and they would both be home free.

The table was filled with a silence that was both awkward and comfortable as neither Hunter nor Max wanted to be the one to start a conversation.

Neither risked pulling out their phone in fear of the teacher confiscating it. They'd get it back at the end of class but it wasn't worth the risk.

Max was tapping away staring blankly at the table. Hunter could tell the wolf was restless and ready for the day to end. He assumed Max was missing Aj bad since Aj had graduated the year before.

Hunter looked over at the wolf's blank face. Max's dark eyes went well with his dark complexion. He had short black hair that wasn't exactly buzzed but not super long.

The tension between the two was still there, just not as bad. The events of summer's past had long since happened but Max still didn't trust Hunter fully. 

When Hunter last spoke to Max about the situation Max had revealed he and Aj were mates. The two were working on their relationship and Hunter couldn't help but ask how they were.

"So how are you and... y'know," Hunter asked Max who immediately looked up and their eyes met.

"Fine," Max spoke swiftly.

"You're still working on... things?" Hunter could feel the conversation getting awkwarder and awkwarder.

"Yep," Max said.

"Oh, that's good." Hunter sheepishly smiled.

The two sat there again and the clock continued to tick. Hunter was shocked when Max spoke up again.

"He's still not exactly... happy about it," Max spoke up. "He's getting there. He's better now." Max smiled.

"I'm happy to hear that," Hunter smiled back. "How's the pack been?"

"It's been alright. Nothing bad has happened for a while."

"So no sign of-" Hunter was cut off by Max.

"The Pack Killer was last sighted in Minnesota. The whole pack, dead." Max said drearily.

"Minnesota isn't that close to Maine," Hunter tried to reassure Max.

"The last place he hit before that pack was halfway across the world. Travel doesn't matter to him."

"I've seen the tapes of packs he's destroyed." Max scratched the back of his neck. "They're having normal family dinner and suddenly the alpha is without a head."

Hunter shivered in place and Zekaj was surprisingly quiet.

"There's no tracking him, he's in and then out. Next thing you know the packhouse is in flames and half the members are dead."

The mage didn't know what to say to the wolf. It was obvious Max has been stressing about this for a while. 

The Pack Killer was something Hunter knew little about. As a matter of fact, there was little info about him in the first place.

A paranormal hunter that specifically targeted werewolves clad in full dark leather armor with a hood that peered into the void. Two glowing white eyes were all one could see in the void of his hood. Two swords were attached to his back almost like The Witcher. One for wolf form, one for the human form.

"If he even dares step foot in the area, he'll meet my wrath,"  Zekaj said inside Hunter.

"Our wrath,"  Hunter corrected.

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