Ch. 38 - Battle For Your Life

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Hunter's worst nightmare had come true.

Zekaj and his relationship had been exposed to his parents.

He wasn't sure how, but they knew.  And there laid Zekaj, completely knocked out in front of him.

And Hunter couldn't do anything.

The ringing and chanting echoed in his head and made him nauseous.  He couldn't hear his own thoughts and could barely move.  It was like anchors were weighing down on every part of him.

Hunter's right hand was ripped open and his palm was pointed up and Hunter couldn't do anything about it.  His head was too fuzzy to do any magic and he was in a complete panic.

Through the blur in his eyes, he saw someone walk up to him and tied his mouth closed with a thick cloth causing him to bite down on it.  The cloth quickly became soaked in Hunter's tears.

The trapped human's eyes grew wide in panic as he watched a mage heat up the end of a metal rod.  And through the end, he heard the mage speak.

"We'll try the right palm and then the next.  The demon's bind is most likely hidden, but his dominant hand is the best guess,"

Hunter screamed through the cloth and tried to close his hand but it was forced open.

Jaxon walked up to his son and held his face, "We're taking care of him, Hunter, you don't need to panic.  This will all be over soon and we can take you to your mother and sister and heal you after."

Hunter shook his head no, pleading to his father with his eyes.  He needed to see reason.

Hunter watched as his father walked away, not getting his pleads.  Hunter screamed to try and get his attention.

The mage tried to summon any ounce of mana that was in his drained body but it was no use.  Hunter was powerless.

Hunter's screams continued as he watched the burning orange iron come closer and closer to his palm.

The hot iron hit the palm of his hand.  Burning his pale white skin to a bright red as the magic that shielded Zekaj's mark disappeared revealing it to the world.

"His father was right,"  The mage said, ignoring the screams from the mage he was torturing.  "The bind is right here."

A chain made of dark shadows connected from his palm to Zekaj's electrified body being dragged into the center of the room.

And all Hunter could do was scream.

The chain started to stretch as the contract was forcibly destroyed.  Hunter could finally hear part of the chanting and could understand what they were doing.

They were disrupting Zekaj's foothold on this earth.  That being Hunter and Hell.  And as Hunter watched the contract's chain that held them together snap, Zekaj's anchor was now only to Hell.

Hunter had to reconnect the contract or Zekaj would be pulled back to Hell.  And that process was starting as void tendrils reached out through the sand floor in the arena.

Deep down Hunter felt a rumble, his mate was in danger and he had to do something.  Now.

He didn't think, he just let fate take over.

A wave of force erupted from Hunter and the surrounding circle of mages were knocked off their feet.  Ben shielded him and Hunter's father in time, keeping the two from being knocked down.

Hunter tugged at the chain in the ground, it was bolted to the ground by steel.  But that wasn't going to stop him.

The mage's eyes glowed pale gold and his hidden mage mark's appeared to flicker and glow above his right arm.  Like it was a piece of ethereal armor.  The false black mage marks could be seen under them.  The steel plate was bent as the chain was ripped out of the ground.

Jaxon looked back at his son in shock.  Ben was at his side and looked like he was about to dart out of the room.

The pissed-off mage ripped the cloth out of his mouth and a blast of power erupted from his hand at his father who was knocked onto the other side of the room.

He didn't care that he was family.  As a matter of fact, he no longer was.  Zekaj was his family.  And he needed to save him.

Ben raised his arms in defense, dark red fire conjuring in his hands.  Fear radiated off of him and Hunter could tell.

Hunter only had a burnt hand to defend himself with, but it was all he needed.  His glowing eyes reflected off his tear-stained face as his eyes were overtaken in the pale gold.  Just like a demon's.

The fire mage backed up and threw a fireball at Hunter who caught it in his hands.  The deep red changed to a pale gold.  Hunter launched it back at Ben who dispersed it in the air.

Continuously, Hunter tugged at the other chain but he was still weak with mana and it wouldn't come loose.  He would just have to keep his stance, defeat Ben, and then pull Zekaj out.  Only then could he reconnect the bond.

Hunter looked behind Ben and watched Zekaj's foot dip into the ground.  His body was flooded in panic and a wave of nausea hit him.  Hunter stumbled in place and took a fireball to the chest.

The chain kinked as he was kept from blasting farther away.  Hunter hit the ground with a thud and the ethereal armor on his arm flickered again.  He was quickly losing mana due to his weakened state.  But he had to keep fighting.

The two exchanged blasts of fire and lightning blocking and dodging each other's attacks.  Mage's began waking up from Hunter's shockwave and funneled out of the room to keep from being caught in the crossfire.

The arena was lit up in blasts of yellow and red as the two fought to win.  Neither taking advantage over the other.

Out of the corner of his eye, Hunter saw Zekaj being overtaken by more of the void.  He had to finish this.

The ethereal arm began to flicker on his left hand as well as he ripped the steel out and had control of both of his arms.  Hunter ripped the cuffs off of his hands and blocked a laser of fire coming his way and dispersed it quickly. 

Hunter fought through the nausea as he sent lightning up the blast, hidden through the dispersing lightning.  Electrocuting Ben and blasting him back.

The fire mage was thrown against the far wall knocking him out instantly as Jaxon slowly began to wake up.

Quickly Hunter stumbled for his sinking mate as the void pulled Zekaj deeper into the opening portal.  As Hunter got closer and closer to his mate, he felt the powerful freezing winds of the void pushing against him.

Hunter was too weak to push further, he had to pull Zekaj to him. On command, an invisible string slipped into his hands that connected his heart to Zekaj.  It started glowing a bright gold and Hunter realized he was holding onto the bond that held them together.

With each grasp he pulled the demon closer and closer, his eyes watering the whole time from the freezing cold winds.

Their hands were close to touching, a fingerprint apart.  Hunter extended his fingers closer to Zekaj as the power of a contract almost to fulfillment erupted from his hands.

Their fingers almost touched,

As a blast by a sudden bolt of lightning threw him back and the golden mate bond slipped from his hands.

The human tumbled along the ground before coming to a stop on his side.  Hunter no longer could push on, he was too weak.  All he could do was watch.

As the body of Zekaj was dragged along the floor, the golden string extended along with him as Zekaj fell through the portal and.

The golden power of the bond, darkened to black as it snapped.

Hunter closed his eyes, giving up to the sleep that lulled him.

His mate was gone.

Zekaj was gone.

PART 3 - Losing a Demon

Coming soon...

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