BCH#5 - End of the Year

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December 31st, Between Ch. 80 and 81.

"Psssttt," Hunter heard in the deep recess of his brain. The blond-haired man mumbled a "go away" and threw the blanket over his head partially.

"Huuunntteeeeer," The void in his head called to him.

Something was trying to pull him out of his warm and peaceful sleep. The second he acknowledged the voice he would wake up. All Hunter wanted was to fall back to sleep and the strong arms around him to keep him nice and cuddly.

One of the arms slowly made its way down his chest and at the base of the shirt Hunter was wearing. Thinking nothing of it he slowly felt himself drifting back to sleep when suddenly the arm slipped under his shirt and a freezing cold hand met his chest, bolting him right awake.

"COLDDDD!" Hunter screamed trying to wiggle out of the strong grasp.

Almost successful, Hunter felt one of his feet touch the freezing cold ground and he yelped back and was pulled back into the cold arms.

"Hahaha got ya," The demonic voice sneered, shoving his hands up Hunter's shirt.

Hunter just grumbled as he felt his attacker press his face into his hair.

"Good morning," Zekaj mumbled into Hunter's hair, giving his bed head a nice kiss.

Hunter whined into the pillow, wanting to go back to sleep. Though he knew Zekaj wasn't about to let him fall back asleep.

"We have lunch in a bit, we should get in the shower so we can begin today's activities," Zekaj said a bit suggestively.

Hunter didn't say anything, just sat in silence.

"Are you giving me the silent treatment?" Zekaj asked, kissing Hunter's head again.

Zekaj peered over Hunter's head to make sure his human hadn't fallen back to sleep. The sleepy hazel eyes of his mate stared back at him, they had a slight hint of annoyance.

"Don't give me that look," Zekaj laughed, getting up from the bed. "I'm not the one that slept until noon."

"You had me up till like 3am!" Hunter whined and laughed at the same time, stepping off the bed and putting on Zekaj's slippers.

"Hey now, it was a mutual fuck session at 3am. And as far as I remember, I wasn't the one who woke the other up because they wanted Zecock."

"I told you to NEVER say that word ever again," Hunter groaned, stepping into the bathroom watching Zekaj follow him in only a pair of underwear.

"It's funny..." Zekaj pouted as he turned the shower on.

The steady fall hit the tub as Hunter wrapped his arms around the demon, resting his head on his chest.

"Don't fall asleep on me," Zekaj slowly pulled Hunter's shirt up off of him.

"Well, when my favorite pillows are right here what am I supposed to do?" Hunter pressed his face into Zekaj's chest when he felt Zekaj's hands lower.

Suddenly he was without underwear as well and the two were submerged in the downfall of the shower.


Hunter set his toothbrush in the cup and gargled the water in his mouth, spitting it out into the sink when he was done. With a couple sprays of deodorant, Hunter noticed the bathroom was suddenly very empty. Normally Zekaj waited for him to get finished as Zekaj usually got done at the sink first.

Peering into their bedroom, all he saw was Zekaj's big body grabbing something from deep in the wardrobe.

"What are you doing?" Hunter asked, leaning against the door frame.

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