Ch. 9 - AJ

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The Wolves were back.

With nothing of course.  Any evidence of a demon was completely gone, if you don't count the fact that the footage itself was missing.  Zekaj was indeed successful in deleting and removing any evidence he, or as a matter of fact, anyone was there that day.

Currently AJ and Hunter were sitting in the living room alone as the adults were off in the kitchen deciding on how to move forward with the search for a possible demon in the area.  Max and Tess had left for the pack house.

Both Hunter and AJ refused to look at each other.

"You could cut the tension with a knife."  Zekaj whispered in his head.

"I don't know what to do!"  Hunter stood up for himself.  "We aren't friends and we haven't ever had a single friendly conversation. And why do you care?  You hate the guy!"

"I do hate him!  You're the one that changed their mind all of a sudden and are worried about him!  And look, the bruise is gone already, it probably barely hurt!  He's an Alpha!  Now if I did it..."

At the same time Hunter looked up to see the spot the bruise was, AJ did as well and they made direct eye contact.  Hunter stared into his emotionless eyes, which were as grey as the sky on a rainy day.

"What?"  Aj asked, his usual sharp tone missing.

"Nothing."  Hunter quickly replied.  Hunter returned to staring off into space and AJ sat on his phone.

A couple minutes later, Hunter looked back over at AJ who was staring at his phone who failed to notice him staring.

AJ was a nice looking guy.  With his grey eyes and dirty blonde hair.  He had a nice set of muscles from working out and being an alpha werewolf.  The bruise that was on his face was indeed gone, with nothing there to indicate it was ever there.

Hunter needed to know if AJ was safe at home, it was weird for him to be worried for him, but he couldn't help but worry.  Sure AJ was a terrible person, but what exactly caused him to be a bad person?  His father seemed fine, just scary.  But Hunter and Him had only ever met a couple times.

"Zekaj take control again, you're a better actor."  Hunter said.

"Yes Honey."  Zekaj snickered.  He barely gave Hunter time to react, besides the blush that was forming on his face, as he took control and the familiar feeling of Hunter falling behind filled his body.  "Now what?"

"Ask him what exactly he saw."  Hunter said.

"Uh AJ?"  Zekaj through Hunter, asked.

"What?"  Still the sneer in his voice was gone.

"What did you see in the school that day?  No one really told me."

AJ immediately clambered up and was obviously uncomfortable about the events that transpired that day.  He immediately broke eye contact and looked away.

"I didn't see what attacked us at first.  They were just thrown back by invisible forces.  A-and your body was gone too when we turned around.  Then it got so dark in there we could barely see anything. And when it came for me it talked to me.  This shadow beast slammed me against the lockers with a force I-I've never felt before. It said that you weren't there right now when I realized it's voice overlapped yours."  AJ quietly spoke.

"Jesus christ you threw him?"  Hunter asked.  Zekaj just held back the need to smile while remembering how nice it was to throw him against the lockers.

"It must've possessed me.  I don't remember anything after your wolves beating me up.  Probably because I was unconscious."  Zekaj said with a snide tone.  It wasn't very like Hunter to talk like that.  Hunter knew it was just because Zekaj was still mad at AJ.

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