Ch. 25 - Study Sesh

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The long brick hallways of the institute were something Hunter was all too familiar with. Many paintings of various mages from history's past hung along the walls, and vast landscapes painted with the most delicate hand were as well. Hunter passed many doors that housed offices for various leaders of mage covens in the area.

The floor of your office was determined by how powerful your coven was. Hunter's father's office was on the top floor of the institute, but that wasn't where he was going.

Hunter, with Zekaj in his head, was heading to the library. It was a vast room that for sure would have many mages reading up on various things like magic, paranormal creatures, and the realms beyond.

Hunter and Zekaj were looking for any information they could find on their bond and their marks. Hunter wasn't sure if they would find much, but it was worth looking. His whole life he thought being soulmates with a demon was impossible, but apparently, it wasn't. Zekaj and him were an example.

The books his parents kept at their home didn't go very far into the details of soulmate bonds and demons in general. The ones here at the institute would and since Hunter had clearance into the more dangerous ones, he believed he would be able to find something.

Hunter knew that if more books on demons were out to the public, accidents like him summoning Zekaj wouldn't have happened.

So you didn't need to feed off of cuddling or intercourse before the bond?  Hunter asked Zekaj.

Nope. Didn't start feeling it till now.  Zekaj replied in his head.

So you having sex in hell was all just for fun?

Yep.  Zekaj answered.  But don't worry, Sex with me is a lot more than just "fun".

Is there anything else I should know?  Hunter asked, ignoring what he had just said.

Uh...  Hunter heard Zekaj mumble to himself. He could feel the intense thought process Zekaj was going through.

Hunter entered through the open doors into the institute's library. The room was huge, filled with books on everything you could imagine, the other realms, all types of magic, mythology, both the true and false ones, and the paranormal creatures found in the deepest crevices of the world.

Hunter hadn't been in here very much but wished he had more time to read up on everything to his heart's content. He knew Zekaj would come here with him in a heartbeat. Hunter thought that maybe in the future he should come here more often with Zekaj.

Hunter headed for the private section of the library which was protected with magical enchants and the only way in was through the card swiper. Hunter pulled out his id card and swiped it to get in. The gold door in the wall opened and Hunter slipped in, the door shutting as soon as he was inside.

The private part of the library was much darker than the public section. Only the light from the occasional torch lit up the room and to Hunter's knowledge, no one was in here.

The section on demons in here would hopefully have info on what they were looking for. Hunter would have to go back to the public side for information on bonds since that was public.

Some information on demons was public knowledge, but not all. A lot of what Hunter and Zekaj needed to find would be in here, away from the public's, well people with the knowledge that the paranormal exists, eyes.

Hunter could still hear Zekaj mumbling to himself in his head as he thought of anything he needed to tell Hunter about bonding with a demon.

Hunter went up the stairs in the private library and was met with many doors along the balcony overlooking the private library. The doors led to private reading rooms for their use, each door was open signaling no one was in here. Hunter still couldn't have Zekaj roam the private library by himself in fear of the occasional booby trap for demons and anyone else up to no good.

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