Ch. 52 - The Rest of the Book

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Hunter rubbed his eyes as he read the words on the page again.

This Spellbook belongs to: Merlin

So Merlin had been to the institute and planted this?  Right in the specific spot of the library the two had planned on stopping at?

It was an easy task Hunter had realized.  Merlin had mentioned he had just gotten the job a couple months ago when the two had talked.  So he had to just wait for the day Hunter and Zekaj visited and then plant the book before someone else had the chance of taking it.

Hunter rubbed his eyes of sleepiness again.  He felt like he could pass out from sleepiness and the thumping of his heart was doing nothing whatsoever to keep him awake.

This no longer could be just a simple coincidence.  Merlin had planned this.  He had planned it all.

Hunter closed the book and laid it on his chest as the weight had become unbearable.  Staring at the ceiling he breathed heavily.  Low yawns escaped as his mind raced thinking of everything.

How much of this was fate and not just coincidence.  Hunter thought back to every single little event that Zekaj and him had ever had.

Hunter summoning Zekaj that day.

The two being bonded.

The runes that lay hidden along his arms, demonic runes that Humans shouldn't be able to have.

A seemingly normal book that Hunter paid little attention to.

Zekaj being forced back to hell.

Hunter being helped by a friendly librarian (Emrys/Merlin) and being led to Amet.

Hunter running into the Pack Killer.

The random visions.

The key.

How much of this was fate and how much was planned.  Planned by a spirit demon as a matter of fact.

A race that was supposed to be extinct as a matter of fact.  Hunter groaned into his palms as he covered his face.

He wiped his hands down his face and promptly sneezed unexpectedly into the air.  He shielded his face as he quickly turned over to keep from getting the gross particles from falling down on him.  The spellbook made a sudden thud as it hit the ground.

Hunter's nose rested against the makeshift pillow case Hunter made with one of Zekaj's shirts.  The lingering smell of the demon and the hint of cologne calmed his irritated nose.

His eyes drooped as the scent slowly lured him into a deep sleep.


As the night air crept through the partially opened window in Hunter's room, a purple bolt of static appeared in Hunter's room.  Followed by one of the same color.  Until two glowing white eyes appeared in the middle of the room.  The eyes surrounded by void, and a leather suit of armor that was as dark as the night.

PK quietly took in the small room that belonged to the man he met in the spirit world.

With a quick sniff, he could tell the room belonged to the mage.  The scents matched but one lingered.

He could tell this scent hadn't seen this room for a while, but it was enough for him to figure out species.


The house was empty besides him and who he assumed was his father in the living room below.

Making sure to not make loud steps PK quietly made his way around the room.  Opening random drawers and peering in, snooping.

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