Ch. 51 - Page 1

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"This call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system for,"  The call message changed suddenly. "Emrys!" Hunter suddenly heard.

In the background, he could hear a deep-voiced someone yell "Arthur" like he had the past five times he tried calling the two.

Hunter hung up before he had to leave a voicemail. It would only add to the other 4 he had left.

Emrys/Merlin was a spirit demon and apparently a little bitch who wouldn't answer his calls. He just wanted to talk.

Well, answers. Hunter wanted answers.

For once in his fucking life, he just wished someone would talk to him.

Why was he mated to a demon?

Why did he have these runes?

What the fuck was happening with Emrys/Merlin and Arthur? Just Camelot in general. What the fuck.

Three simple questions Hunter had and he couldn't help but think he wasn't asking for much. Why couldn't the universe have sent Zekaj to him along with a pamphlet of all the shit that was going to happen to them?

Hunter sniffled which was followed by a sneeze and a cough. He sighed, now was not the time to get sick like this.

He hadn't been feeling the best since returning from the Spirit World. It felt like his body was spent and wasn't in the mood to regain any energy at all.

Standing up from his bed, Hunter headed downstairs slowly as each step down the stairs reminded him just how tired he was of walking.

Teleporting from Maine to Wisconsin had taken its toll on him. Zekaj always made it sound so easy, but to him, it felt like trekking through Antarctica. If Antarctica was pitch black and probably colder, which sounded crazy to think about.

The medicine cabinet in the kitchen luckily had some old cold medicine in the cupboard that he hoped would kill the virus before it made him sicker. He wasn't exactly sure how the flu worked.

Hunter took the giant green nighttime cold pills and jumped when the front door opened up.

Jaxon carried in a bucket of fried chicken which had some black containers of what Hunter assumed were sides.

His father looked him up and down and stopped when he got back to his face.

"You're really pale, are you feeling ok?" Jaxon asked his son, setting the food on the kitchen table.

Before Hunter could say anything, his father put his hand on his forehead and held it there.

Hunter went to say something but was interrupted again. "You don't got a fever, you're freezing cold though Hunter. Have you been outside?"

"I think it's just a cold dad, it's that time of the year," Hunter said, finally getting the chance to speak.

"There's some Nyquil in the cupboard you should take some before you head to-"

It was Hunter's turn to interrupt as he spoke up.

"I just took some," Hunter said, sneezing right after.

"Well you better eat quickly then, that stuff'll knock you right out."

Jaxon grabbed Hunter a plate and set the two down for them. Grabbing utensils and napkins as well.

His father had only gotten eight pieces for the two of them and a side of mashed potatoes and gravy. Hunter didn't feel very hungry but knew if he didn't eat anything his dad would be worried as he had been for the past couple of weeks.

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