Ch. 41 - Jaxon

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Jaxon opened the front door and stepped into his house. The once busy house was now mostly empty since his wife and daughter had left indefinitely.  

Things have been quiet after a hectic couple of weeks in the Sullivan household. With Hannah finding her mate, her mate telling him Hunter had a demon in him and then removing the demon from Hunter.

It got worse after his wife and daughter believed Hunter summoned one with malicious intent. Olivia insisted Hunter be put into a psych ward or even imprisoned.

Jaxon refused to believe Hunter had intentionally summoned a demon. There was no way his son just summoned a demon by himself. And even if he did, why?

Up the stairs, Jaxon stopped at Hunter's door and knocked. When he heard no reply he opened the door to his son not in bed.

Odd, Jaxon thought.

Hunter's father headed back downstairs and was about to check the kitchen when he saw the basement door wide open. Jaxon called down the steps for Hunter and when he got no response he slowly made his way down.

The flickering of candlelight was what he saw before noticing the cracks all along the concrete floor that lead towards his son unconscious on the ground.

"Hunter!" Jaxon said, dropping down towards his son.

Hunter was out laying on the basement floor. Jaxon lifted his son up off the ground and headed out of the basement. He noticed the runes on the ground and recognized exactly what Hunter was trying to do.

Hunter was trying to summon a demon. The mark in the middle was smudged by Hunter's body so Jaxon wasn't 100% sure who he was trying to summon. But he had a feeling he knew who.

Jaxon kept his thoughts to himself as he carried Hunter up the stairs, not paying attention to his son's feet occasionally bumping the wall as he was carried up the stairs.

As he entered Hunter's room, he slowly lowered him into bed and pulled his shoes off, and tucked him into bed.

Pulling up a chair, Jaxon sat at the edge of Hunter's bed and watched him sleep.

His son was a mystery to him. Communication was never their strong suit but he had no idea who his son was. 

He had no idea what Hunter's interests were, what he did in his room all day. What he was planning on doing after High School. What he was studying in High School. Or even if he was in love with anyone.

Jaxon vowed that he would do whatever it took to mend their relationship. Considering at the moment Hunter was all he had. And all he needed.

He held Hunter's hand and whispered, "I'll do better, I promise."


Two weeks later Jaxon was sitting at the dinner table, his plate full of untouched food and across from him the same. Just the seat was empty.

Checking his watch, it'd been 15 minutes since he had told Hunter food was ready.

Jaxon stood up from his seat and headed up the stairs to check on him.

He found Hunter asleep in his desk chair, his head resting on his school books. Jaxon could tell his son had lost a bit of weight. His son had been sleeping most of the day when he wasn't working on schoolwork or at school.

Hunter had been shutting Jaxon out, mumbling only a few words to him when talked to, or sometimes flat out spacing out during the conversation.

He had been eating very little and skipping most meals, even when Jaxon made his favorite foods. He'd always leave the plate wrapped up in the refrigerator for him to eat if he got hungry in the night.

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