Ch. 65 - Contracts

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Zekaj promised himself that when he had Hunter back, he would always protect him no matter what. No longer was he going to hold back in hopes of not hurting someone Hunter cared about.

Hunter was his first priority and he no longer wanted Hunter to be hurt in any way. Whether it was physical, mental, or emotional, he wanted Hunter to no longer hurt.

So when he started to hear the whispers from Hunter's mind back in his head, he understood he was failing his job.

Every now and then a stay thought from Hunter floated its way into Zekajs head. Most were worried about his father of all things. There was the occasional thought that everything was too much, and again Zekaj felt like he had no way to help him.

And it pissed him off.

Zekaj understood that his father had seen their side of things and was getting better, but that didn't mean he needed to forgive him anytime soon. Hunter's thoughts had mentioned that his father was spotted with Hunter as he left for hell and that it probably didn't put him in the best of light.

Surely he would be able to lie his way out of the situation. Or maybe Jaxon would take it as his out. A way for him to leave the coven once and for all.

Zekaj rolled his eyes at his own thoughts and went back to staring at Hunter on the library's window sill. It had been a bit since he heard the mumbling of thoughts from Hunter's mind. And to no shock at all, there he was sleeping.

Hunter's strength was taking a while to come back but his body was going through a lot. With not only the bond reforming, but his body itself was healing from the pain it had gone through. Hunter was slowly starting to show more color in his skin and everything.

Lifting his mate off of the window sill, Zekaj brought him over to the sofa he was on and held him as he laid down. Hunter cuddled up to his chest and Zekaj just stared down at his mate on his chest.

The sound of Zekai's steps slowly made its way to Zekaj. And after a minute Zekai too showed up with a couple of books with him.

"Is sleeping all he tends to do?" Zekai asked.

Zekaj frowned, "No he does a lot more than that. He's just hurting."

Zekaj chose not to think of all the times Hunter and him took naps in the middle of the afternoon, after school, and randomly during the weekends. They were nice and gave him an excuse to cuddle without seeming needy.

"You should take him to the city sometime," Zekai said.

"I would like to. It's just, I don't want to overwhelm him and father hasn't decided how to announce to all of Hell that Hunter is here."

"Yeah, I think he just wants to tell everyone all at once. With maybe like a couple hours warning to the other lords and whatever. His council still doesn't even know."

"He wants Hunter's permission," Zekaj said. "He won't do it without his approval."

"Or yours," Zekai added.

Zekaj raised an eyebrow at his brother who elaborated.

"You are his extremely possessive mate. Of course, you get a say in anything remotely involving Hunter."

"Pfff, I'm not possessive."

Zekai rolled his eyes and leaned over to touch Hunter. His hand was promptly smacked by Zekaj who growled at his brother, quickly stopping when Hunter moved a little bit.

"Whatever," Zekaj said, brushing Hunter's hair with his hands.

Both brothers turned their heads as the door to the library opened and their father's heavy footsteps followed. It drowned out most of the sound but with powerful demon hearing, they could just make out their mother's quiet footsteps as well.

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