Ch. 13 - The Pack Killer

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Middle of Summer

The house was in chaos.

Hunter and Zekaj barely caught any of the ramblings as wolves and mages were coming in and out.  They both just sat there working on various runic traps that were to be placed in the woods surrounding the nearby wolf pack as well as the coven's main meeting spot.

"Why are we making these?" Zekaj asked Hunter, who was sitting in his mind like usual.

"Not entirely sure.  They're keeping it very secret."  Hunter said as he finished the lightning runic trap and handed it off to a member who was right next to him.  The traps were a simple circle with a lightning rune that would explode upon stepping on it.

His parents as well as his sister were in the basement talking with the Alpha, Beta and the soon-to-be's.  Hunter wasn't allowed into the talk like usual.

He began working on another trap when wolves barged into the house and quickly headed downstairs.

"So they're allowed down there but not me."  He said to Zekaj continuing to draw the rune into the rock that would be hidden in the woods soon.


The wolves including the Alphas and betas left the basement and motioned for their wolves to leave as well.  All of the traps were gathered up including the one Hunter was working on.

"Wait that's not fini-" He started as the wolf had already left the house with it.

His parents and Hannah entered the living room as all the mages in the room looked at them.

"So,"  His father started.  "You're all wondering why you were brought here today."

"Well I live here."  Hunter whispered to Zekaj who laughed.  Hunter hated how they talked to him like he wasn't even family.  Other members started quickly asking questions before being silenced with one sentence.

"The Pack Killer was spotted south of here."  The room instantly enveloped in silence.  You could hear a pin drop in there.

"Who?"  Hunter asked Zekaj.

"He was spotted heading west, but we must take all precautions just in case his path turns towards us.  Your traps will help keep other hunters at bay but not him.  For those of you who don't know, he is a hunter, not just of werewolves, but of everything.   The Pack Killer as well as the hunters mainly go after wolves though.  He only just started showing up two years ago but his body count is in the possible thousands and continuing to grow.  We aren't sure what he is.  He has yet to be defeated."

Hunter was terrified.  Zekaj was being cocky.

"I could definitely take him down."

"You really want to go up against some super soldier hunter?"  Hunter questioned.

"Yes."  Hunter rolled his eyes to himself.  "Hey! I felt that."

"He's been stabbed and bitten through the leather armor he wears and still wasn't taken down.  He's strong enough to hold down multiple alpha and beta wolves."

"Me too."  Zekaj added.

"Yeah you never fail to remind me."

"The Pack Killer is tall, said to be around 6'6" and the size of a bodybuilder.  We can not figure out his identity due to the hood over his head and the magical properties it has."  His father added, holding up a photo.  The photo was slightly blurry but you could see the huge figure standing in front of a burning pack house.  His armor was dark leather with various weapons on him, including a crossbow hanging on his belt and a longsword in his hand.  The peculiar thing was the fact that his face was enveloped in darkness and glowing solid red eyes could be seen in the hood.

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