Ch. 4 - Bonding

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Hunter - 16 - Summer Break

"How could he not be the father?" Zekaj asked, watching his new obsession.  Which was Maury Povich, Dr. Phil and any other daytime television.   "They look identical!"

"Beats me" Hunter replied, sipping on his drink.  He too was watching the show with Zekaj in their living room.  It was currently the middle of Summer, in the Sullivan household, and only one Sullivan was currently home, that being Hunter, per usual.

Zekaj had almost been on Earth and at Hunter's side for a year now, but Zekaj wouldn't want it any other way.

Zekaj grabbed the remote flipping through channel after channel for something to watch.  Hunter couldn't help but think, after Zekaj being here for a whole year, wouldn't he want to go home, isn't he homesick?

"Hey, uh Zekaj?" Hunter Asked.

Zekaj immediately looked away from the TV looking in Hunter's eyes.

"Whats up?"

Hunter wasn't sure how to ask this, but he tried his best.  "Don't you get bored being here?  Wouldn't you want to go home after a while?"

"Is this your way of telling me to beat it?" Zekaj questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Hunter screamed, he really didn't want Zekaj to leave.  Zekaj meant the world to him, he was the only one who liked him for him.  "I just thought you'd miss being home after being here for almost a year."

"Not really, you're my home now." Zekaj said.  "I mean literally, I chill in your body a lot."

Hunter laughed at Zekaj's joke.  "Kinda gross." He said.

Zekaj got up from his spot and flopped onto Hunter.

"You're the one who summoned me, and made a deal with me.  Now you're stuck with me!" Zekaj smiled, looking up at Hunter.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Hunter smiled, meeting Zekaj's gaze.  "You're my best friend."

But when the world "Best Friend" left Hunter's lips, it stung a bit.


Later that night, after Hunter's parents had gotten home, Hunter and Zekaj were up in his room.  Hunter at the time was napping and Zekaj was reading through some of his books.  Zekaj never strayed too far from Hunter in case he needed to enter his mind on a short notice.  Most of the time due to his great hearing, he'd be merged with Hunter before they had a chance to catch him.

Hunter was sleeping quietly when he was suddenly woken up to the front door slamming shut.  Quickly, he grabbed Zekaj's hand merging the two together and headed downstairs.

Downstairs his sister was crying in their parents arms.  Months ago she had gotten her mage marks showcasing her power as a healer.

"Uh, what's happening?" Hunter asked.

His mom was quick to answer.  "AJ and her Broke up, they found out they weren't soulmates."

Paranormal beings like mages and werewolves could find their soulmate when both parties were 18.  All it took was skin to skin contact for it to activate the bond.  The bond over time would grow to different power levels.

Today was AJ's birthday so they could discover if they were soulmates at the exact time he was born.

"Thank god." Hunter said out loud while Zekaj said the same in his mind.

That caused Hannah to turn around in anger.

"How dare you! I loved him!" She screamed.  Hunter didn't feel bad for her at all.

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