First Friend

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Joey wakes up groggily the next morning. If it weren't for the cut on his palm he would have thought last night was a dream. Even then he isn't so sure, he was pretty drunk last night.

He rolls out of bed and shuffles to the kitchen. He stops and stares in confusion at the scene that greets him when he enters the kitchen.

The counters are messy, covered in flour and bowls. Lucifer is rummaging through the fridge.

"Aha!" Lucifer stands holding up bacon triumphantly.

"Uh," Joey stands in the doorway.

"Morning Joey!" Lucifer nods to Joey.

"Uh, hey, morning. What are you doing?" Joey asks.

"Well, I wanted to be a good friend and sneak into your house and make you breakfast." Lucifer gestures to the mess he made.

"Okay," this has never happened to Joey before. He slinks to the table and plops down on one of the chairs. Lucifer bustles around the kitchen.

"Aren't you supposed to be like this super evil being who hates people?"Joey asks. This question has been gnawing at his mind all night.

"I'm not evil." Lucifer snaps. "I fell because I loved God too much. And I don't hate all people. Just the stupid ones." Lucifer has a dark look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to anger you, I'm not good with talking to people." Joey's face gets red.

"It's fine, at least you asked instead of just assuming." Lucifer gives him a polite smile.

A little bit later breakfast is done. Pancakes, bacon and eggs. Lucifer picks at his food idly, while Joey digs in.

"So, Joey," Lucifer starts, cutting up his pancake. "As your new friend, I should know what you do for fun."

Joey looks down sheepishly and swallows his mouthful of food.

"I, uh, I read and watch Netflix." Joey mumbles.

"Really? No wonder you don't have any friends. You don't ever go out to bars or anything?" Lucifer asks in disbelief. Joey shakes his head.

"Too many people and I always look like a loner." Joey nibbles on his bacon.

Lucifer sighs and rolls his eyes. "That's changing tonight. You and I are going out and drinking. You have no choice in the matter." Lucifer stands and dumps his food in the trash and drops his plate in the sink.

Joey smiles, he is really enjoying this friend thing.

"I have some things to do. If you need anything, there's my number." Lucifer points to a paper on the fridge held up by a magnet.

"Woah, hold on! You can't just leave after making a huge mess like that!" Joey exclaims. Lucifer snaps his fingers and the whole kitchen is cleaned. Then he leaves.

Joey sighs. He finishes his breakfast and puts his plate in the sink. He grabs his phone off the counter. He chuckles when he sees the number.

"Of course it's 666 what else would it be?" Joey asks aloud. He punches in the number. Lucifer is only the fourth contact he's put in his phone. The other three are his boss, his landlord, and his favorite pizza place.

Joey has nothing better to do so he curls up on the couch with his favorite book, Under the Dome, by Stephen King. He doesn't realize how fast the time goes by. Its already 4:30. He completely missed lunch because he was so immersed in his book.

He puts his book away and stretches. There is a loud banging at his door. Joey goes to the door and swings it open.

"Hey-a Joey," Lucifer stands there.

"Oh uh hey Lucifer what're you doing here?" Joey asks.

"Do you not remember our plans for tonight?" Lucifer rolls his eyes. He pushes into Joey's place. He heads strait for the bedroom. Joey follows.

"What are you doing?" Joey asks as Lucifer starts rummaging through his closet.

"I'm assuming you've never really gone out before, so I'm finding you proper clothes to wear." Lucifer pulls out a shirt, shakes his head and puts it back.

"What's wrong with this?" Joey gestures to the ripped jeans and rumpled shirt he is wearing.

Lucifer gives him an are you kidding me look. "When you hang with me, you will never where something like that unless in the privacy of our own homes." He lets out a sigh. "None of its good enough."

Joey opens his mouth to protest.

"I'll just make something up," Lucifer give Joey a once over then snaps his fingers. Joey looks down at his new outfit. Now he is wearing nice jeans and a v-neck shirt with a black jacket over it.

"Perfect!" Lucifer exclaims. "Now lets go."

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