The Surprise

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For the rest of the day Veronica is in hell, scrutinizing Joey's contract. There is no way he can break the contract. It infuriates her. She can't stand the thought of the love of her life being tortured like she was for so long.

It's late evening when she gets a text from Joey.

Meet me at the apartment. It reads. She smiles with relief, she's been missing him all day. She teleports to his place. It seems empty. Until a blindfold is placed over her eyes. She tenses, ready to kill.

"Guess who," Joey murmurs in her ear, as he secures the blindfold in place. Her face breaks out into a relieved smile.

"Damn you Joey," she mutters. "I could have killed you." She turns in his arms and grabs him blindly. She hugs him.

"But you didn't and that's what matters." He kisses the corners of her mouth.

"What's the point of this?" She asks with a sigh. She moves her hands to the blindfold. He pulls her hands away.

"Don't peak, I have a surprise for you." He leads her out of the apartment. She walks forward, completely trusting him to lead her safely.

Veronica feels a rush of air, signaling that they've exited the building. He leads her along a semi-crowded sidewalk, receiving many strange looks. Veronica can't see them, but she knows. Joey sees the looks but he continues on with a proud smile on his face.

He pulls her off the sidewalk suddenly and they cut through an alleyway. This eventually leads to a forest. He finds the path hidden from any onlooker's view. He finally makes his way to a clearing.

Joey moves behind Veronica and unties the bandana. He whips it off with a flourish to reveal the view to her. A picnic table sits on the far side of the clearing and on it sits the most beautiful cake Veronica has ever seen along with many other foods. The cake black and pink and covered in flames. Balloons surround the table, all varying in color. And hanging above the table is a hand made banner that reads Happy Birthday.

"How did you know it was my birthday? I didn't even remember it. I haven't celebrated it since I was human." She marvels.

"Well I've been planning this all year." He flushes. "I knew this was out last year together and I wasted it to be worthwhile, so I researched your background and found out all kinds of information, like your birthday. I wanted it to be special."

"Wow, no one has ever done anything like this for me before." Tears threaten to spill out on Veronica's cheeks. "I love you." She smashes her mouth onto his and gives him a big, messy, and passionate kiss.

They spend the rest of their time eating and kissing lazily under the setting sun. When the sun goes behind the horizon Joey clears his throat nervously.

"I know it's getting close to the end and it's probably dumb to do this." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box. "I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life and what ever comes after that with you." He opens the box and a beautiful ring is sitting in the box.

The ring has a decent sized diamond with little rubies on the sides.

"Even if we don't end up marrying it's the thought that counts." He pulls the ring from the box.

Veronica's face breaks out into the biggest smile. "I love you so much," she lets him take her hand and he slides the ring on. It fits perfectly.

She leans forward and kisses him. Their kissing gets more passionate. He lays her back and slides his hand beneath her shirt. Things get heated and they make sweet love beneath the stars.

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