The Day Has Come

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Joey wakes up and his heart sinks. Today's the day, the day he dies. He sits up. Familiar arms wrap around him from behind.

"It's okay Joey, I'll be there with you till the end." She kisses his neck.

"Will it hurt?" Joey asks.

"Not for long. You're lucky Lucifer is doing it personally. He usually sends hellhounds and those are painful." She clutches her chest.

"Is that what happened to you?" Joey turns to face her. Veronica nods at the painful memory.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles sympathetically.

"Don't be, it's not your fault. Besides it happened so long ago I hardly remember it." She waves him off. They lay back down together, enjoying each other's company.

"Do you wanna do something special for your last day?" Veronica asks.

"No, I just want to spend it with you. We could lay here all day together and I would be perfectly okay." He responds, wrapping his arms around his demon lover.

All day they laid in his bed, talking about everything. When the sun goes down a loud knock sounds at the door. He answers the door and finds Lucifer standing there.

"Hey man," lucifer nods at Joey. "I'm really sorry this has to happen." He pulls Joey in for a hug.

"It's okay," Joey pats his back. "I knew what I signed up for." They pull away. Joey hides tears that are threatening to spill onto his cheeks.

"Are you ready?" Lucifer fidgets.

"Just give me a minute," Joey pulls Veronica to the side and they whisper to each other and start kissing.

If this were anyone else, Lucifer would have killed them on the spot. Joey though, has become Lucifer's best friend, his only true friend.

Joey gives Veronica one last kiss. He approaches Lucifer confidently. Lucifer pulls out a wicked looking knife. Veronica grabs Joey's hand and he clutches it for dear life.

Lucifer places on hand on Joey's shoulder. The other brings the knife up and places it over Joey's heart. Joey's breath hitches.

"Look me in the eyes," Lucifer commands. Joey stares in his eyes. "See you soon my friend." Lucifer plunges the knife, strait into Joey's heart. Veronica sucks in a breath as Joey gasps. The knife is removed and it clatters i the ground. They gently lay him on the ground.

He takes in one more breath then the light leaves his eyes. Veronica sobs. Lucifer places his hand on Joey's chest and as he pulls it away, a beautiful ball of light rises from his chest. Joey's soul, it's as beautiful as a sunset on the beach. It brings fresh tears to Veronica's eyes.

"Lets go." Lucifer grabs Veronica's arm and they teleport to hell.

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