The Hospital

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Veronica returns later when her temper has cooled, her eyes are back to their normal green color. She is sitting in the waiting room, far from Lucifer. She shoots him glares every now and then. They sit there silently for hours.

A doctor approaches them. "Mr. Williams?" He says to Lucifer. Veronica jumps up and moves to the doctor quickly.

"Is Joey okay?" She looks at the doctor with worried eyes.

"May I ask your relationship with him?" The doctor asks.

"I'm his girlfriend," Veronica snaps. Lucifer nods in agreement. "Now is Joey okay?"

"Yes, Joey is fine. We had to put him through surgery to reset his radius and ulna in the right arm. Also his legs are broken and he has some bruised ribs, but he will live." The doctor explains.

Veronica lets out a sigh of relief. "Can I see him?"

"He is still sleeping of the medication from the surgery, but he should be up soon. Ill take you to his room." The doctor turns and Lucifer and Veronica follow him. He leads them to room 666. Veronica can't help but laugh.

"He's right in here." The doctor gestures to the room and turns on his heel and rushes off. Veronica pushes into the room. Joey is laying on the hospital bed, his eyes are closed. Veronica pulls the chair up to his bed and grabs his hand.

"Hey baby," Veronica murmurs kissing his hand. This causes his eyes to flutter open. They land directly on Veronica.

"I'm never gonna get used to waking up to a beautiful girl next to me." He mutters. Veronica lets out a laugh.

"A beautiful demon girl," she replies. Joey attempts to sit up, but his chest erupts on pain.

"Careful man you're injured." Lucifer says. Joey looks down at his body. Both legs are in a cast, his arm is in a cast and his chest is in pain.

"Well, I guess motorcycles aren't my thing." Joey laughs, but it turns into a moan.

"I can't believe you could do something so stupid!" Veronica squeezes his hand. "You could've gotten yourself killed." A tear glints in her eye.

"But I didn't. Besides even if I did I'll be going to hell," he smiles.

"From now on you can't do anything stupid unless I'm there, understand?" Veronica says.

"Yeah, I understand." Joey winces.

"Do something for the pain!" Veronica demands to Lucifer. He touches Joey's forehead and the pain goes away.

"The bruised rib is fixed, but those broken bones are gonna heal on their own." Lucifer folds his arms.

"M'kay," Joey murmurs, his eye drift shut. "I'm gonna sleep." He drifts off.

"Poor thing," Veronica coos. Joey makes her feel more human than she's ever felt in her existence. He's brought out feelings she never thought she would ever feel. Feelings like love, happiness, and today, panic.

"I love you Joey," she whispers.

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