It Was an Accident

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Hours later and Joey can finally ride his bike down the road without wobbling like a maniac. He clenches his jaw when he does the hardest part, turning around. He does it perfectly.

"Yes!!" Joey yells throwing his hands in the air. "Oh shit!" The wheel goes out of control and the bike goes down. Joey tumbles and rolls heavily on the ground. He finally stops on his back. He lays there breathing heavily. His whole body is numb. He's sure there should be some pain but there is none.

"Joey!" Lucifer cries. He zaps to Joey's side and falls to his knees. "Oh shit," he murmurs when he looks down at Joey's bent up body. The motorcycle rests on his legs and Lucifer can smell the burning of his pants and skin. With a snap the bike is removed and lying several feet away.

Both legs are bent at abnormal angles and Joey's right arm is bent at a right angle, in the middle of the forearm. He has scrapes on his exposed stomach. Lucifer pulls the helmet off of Joey's head.

"How bad am I coach?" Joey murmurs. Lucifer tries to move Joey's right arm, but Joey cries out in pain.

"You're great man. I'm gonna try and fix the worst of it okay? I promise there will be no pain." Lucifer speaks calmly to his best friend. He places two fingers on Joey's forehead and concentrates on healing him. He's panicking too much to do much help.

"I'm tired," Joey mutters.

"No, Joey stay awake." Lucifer says, panic creeping into his voice. He blocks his mind from the panic and tries hard to heal Joey.

The burns on Joey's legs start healing and soon new flesh takes the place of the burns. The scratches on his stomach heal as well. The bones knit back together enough that Lucifer will be able to take him to a human hospital and they could fix him up. Joey's eyes have drifted shut.

"Joey, hey!" Lucifer lightly smacks his cheeks. Joey struggles to open his eyes. "Joey, you need to stay awake. I'm going to lift you up and I'm taking you to a hospital. Everything is gonna be fine."

Lucifer slides his hands beneath Joey and lifts him with ease. Joey whimpers with pain, but Lucifer uses his powers so that Joey can't feel any of it.

Lucifer transport them right outside the hospital closest to Joey's place. Lucifer carries him inside.

"I need some help!" He calls out. Two nurses rush forward and a third grabs a gurney and wheels it over.

"Lay him here," they demand. He does so and the first two wheel him off. He starts to follow, but the third nurse stops him.

"Wait hold on where are they takin him?" Lucifer exclaims.

"To the ICU, sir." She speaks calmly. "Sir I would like you to answer a few questions." The nurse leads Lucifer to the counter and she grabs a clipboard. "Can you tell me the patient's name?" She asks in a calming voice.

"It's Joey, Joey Williams." Lucifer replies.

"Can you give me your name and relationship with the patient?" She jots down Joey's name.

"I'm Luke Williams, Joey is my brother." Lucifer lies easily.

"Okay Mr. Williams, can you tell me what happened?" She fixes her gaze on him.

"We were out riding our motorcycles when he lost control. He went down and tumbled down the road. I brought him here as fast as I could." Lucifer explains.

"When and where did the accident happen?" She inquires.

Lucifer opens his mouth to respond, when a booming female voice interrupts him.

"You son of a bitch!" Veronica stalks up to Lucifer. "What the hell did you do?" Fury radiates from her body. He eyes are completely black.

"It's not that big of a deal-"

"Not a big deal!? My boyfriend is hurt and you say it's no big deal? You took him on the motorcycles you take care of him." Veronica screams at Lucifer.

"I was taking care of him, but-"

"Don't you dare give me a but, it's your job to look after him! He isn't immortal he needs to be taken care of!" She stares Lucifer in the eyes. "You may be my boss, but I swear on all things holy, if he dies because of this I will never work for you again. I would rather die that step foot back into that Hell."

"Mam," a nurse lightly touches Veronica's arm. Veronica whirls on her. The nurse flinches. "Mam, I'm gonna have to ask you to step out until you've calmed down, you're disturbing the patients."

"This is on your ass," Veronica points an accusing finger at Lucifer then she stalks out of the room. Lucifer lets out a sigh. Pissed off women are not something anyone would want to deal with, even the devil.

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