Its Not the End

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Lucifer places Joey's soul on the ground. It glows brighter and grows in size. The glow disappears and Joey is standing there.

Veronica lets out a cry of relief and launches herself into his arms.

"I'm dead right?" Joey looks down at himself.

"Absolutely!" Lucifer exclaims.

"Then how am I here like this?" Joey is utterly confused.

"We changed your contract. I have something to show you." Lucifer leads Joey into the throne room. A second throne is now sitting in the room.

"I want you to rule hell by my side. Even if you don't want to, you have no choice, it's in the contract." Lucifer shrugs.

"This is amazing!" Joey exclaims. "No torture and I get to help rule hell! It can't get any better than this!" Joey smiles.

"Welcome to hell, again," Lucifer smiles.

"More good news," Veronica smiles slyly. "You and I have eternity together. And not to mention the fact that you can no longer get tired." She winks suggestively at him. He grins.

"This is going to be great." Joey sighs happily planting a huge kiss on her mouth.

*10 years later*
Joey is sprawled out on his throne. Veronica hops onto his lap.

"Hello your majesty," she kisses him.

"Hello beautiful," he murmurs kissing her back earnestly.

"Would your majesty like to take this to our room?" She whispered seductively.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." He trails kisses down her neck.

"Sorry to interrupt, my king," a demon bows to Joey.

"What do you need?" Joey questions.

"Sir, King Lucifer wants you to go make a deal for him." The demon responds.

"'Kay leave." Joey flashes his newly acquired red eyes. The demon scampers out of the room.

"King's duties," Joey sighs.

"They can wait," Veronica straddles him and kisses him.

Joey didn't take long to become a demon. He started out with more powers than anyone else in hell, aside from Lucifer of course. His powers grow more each day, but they will never surpass the true king of hell's powers.

"I really gotta do this, I promise to finish this when I get back." Joey gives a quick kiss to Veronica. Then he leaves to go do his duties as a king.

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