No More Job

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Five years later Joey is sitting at his desk at work. His phone buzzes with a text from Lucifer.

"Lets hang," it reads.

"Can't," Joey replies.


"Work," Joey sets his phone down. He doesn't get an immediate response.

"But I'm way more important," Lucifer says right next to his ear. Joey jumps.

"What are you doing here?" He hisses to Lucifer.

"I'm bored," Lucifer whines.

"Don't bother me about it, I have work to do," Joey gestures to his computer.

"I've told you. You don't need a job I can handle everything." Lucifer sighs.

"And I told you I don't want to take advantage of your money." Joey turns to the computer and types a few times.

"But you aren't!" Lucifer exclaims. "Come on! We could get food and you can ogle at Veronica while I boss her around."

"I don't ogle," Joey's face gets red.

"Sure whatever, please?" Lucifer gives him a pouty face.

"But I need a job to keep me idle," Joey sighs.

"I'll give you a job! There's plenty of things you could do for me!" Lucifer bounces with excitement.

"Fine, have it your way, but I still have to work here for another two week." Joey closes his eyes.

"Okay sweet! Here's your two weeks notice!" Lucifer shoves a paper in Joey's face.

"Gah!" Joeys flinches back. He snatches the paper from Lucifer. "Can you just leave I'll be out of here in an hour at most." Joey stands abruptly and stomps to his boss's office.

He knocks on his office door.

"Come in," Mr. Bright calls.

"Hello sir," Joey steps in. "I'd like to turn in my two weeks notice." Joey hands him the paper Lucifer gave him.

"That's unfortunate to hear," Mr. Bright takes the paper. "What's the reason?"

"I uh I just want to do my life over, with a new start." Joey shrugs. "I'm also gonna take the rest of the day off if that's okay," Joey looks up hopefully.

"That's fine, see you tomorrow." Mr. Bright waves him off.

Joey leaves the building. Lucifer is waiting for him outside.

"So, how'd it go?" Lucifer asks pushing Joey.

"Okay I guess," Joey shrugs.

"Sweet! In two weeks you'll be job free!" Lucifer pumps his fist. Joey smiles as he rolls his eyes.

"So are we getting food or what? I'm starving." Joey complains.

"I have food back at my place. Let's go." Lucifer takes them to Hell. The go to the back of the library, where a large screen and comfy chairs rest. They settle in the chairs and the screen turns on.

"Where's your food boss," Veronica walks up with two plates. Each has a large bacon cheeseburger and a load of fries on the side. She hands one to each of them.

She's turns to leave them. "How bout you stay and enjoy a movie with us," Lucifer suggests. She nods and takes a seat next to Joey. She gives him a sweet smile.

They've gotten a little closer in the past few years, but he doesn't think she likes him any more than she did before.

"What are we watching," Joey asks after taking a large bite if food.

"The Conjuring," lucifer says with a smile.

Joey sighs slightly and continues eating his food. The movie starts. Joey doesn't pay much attention throughout the movie. His mind is focused on his life. He wants to do something extraordinary in the last five years.

Lucifer notices Joey's absentmindedness as the movie plays. When it's over Lucifer stands.

"Come Joey we gotta talk." Joey follows him.

"What's the matter?" Lucifer asks with concern.

"I have five years left," Joey states. "I want to do something. I want these last five years to mean something." He looks down in shame. "I know it sounds stupid and probably really cheesy but I don't know," Joey shrugs.

"It's not stupid," Lucifer slings his arm around Joey's shoulders. "I can make sure your last few years will be amazing. Lucifer gives him a bright smile.

Sorry it's a slow chapter!! My mind is running blank on ideas at the moment!! But don't worry my writing mojo will be back soon!! Thanks for reading my story! I love you for loving my book!!

P.S. I'm thinking adding romance in Joey's life. What do you guys think. If so who should it be? Please give me feedback!!

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