1 - the place i once called home

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As I walked to the training grounds, I start to see three figures in front of me. Who is it? Who else, it's my team. Team 7.

The pink haired kunoichi and the the blonde knucklehead start scolding me for being late. "Sorry, I got lost on the path of life." I say as I smirk at them under my mask.

The unamused Uchiha stood there blankly watching me for something to happen. "So what is it that you called us for?" he says. "Our team will no longer be a three-man team." "Wait what?!" the mini Minato disrupts me. "Let me finish Naruto." I say as a narrow my eyes at him. "We will be getting another team member. Another kunoichi I presume." "She's not gonna take Sasuke from me!" The Uchiha scoffed and asked "Is that it?" "Yes, you are dismissed, we'll meet her tomorrow here same time." I shout as they walk off.

What a nuisance. I hope she isn't like Sakura, she really needs to put more attention into her training. I deadpanned and walked off.


I walk around the village for the fourth time listening to Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood on my headphones.

I'm honestly interested in meeting my team. I just hope they're not useless. I need someone to keep up with me, especially someone my age. Hanging around adults took a toll on me.

I soon make it to the river I always go to and I replay the song on my headphones.



I sing as I look at my reflection at the water. I love music. If I wasn't a ninja, I would devote my life to music. Music helped me calm down and helped me concentrate. The song stopped and it started again.

I'm thinking.

Not that thinking is a bad thing. I just tend to overthink a lot and then I don't pay attention and that's how I became blunt. I just don't think before I talk, or I'm just too scrambled in my thoughts to think about what to say. As I keep overthinking, I walk back to compound.

Our compound is very small but very beautiful. It almost looked like an eden or a safe haven. But little did everyone know that the compound was once in, bloodshed.

Not a lot of people know about the Moyasu clan but it's a very popular clan among stronger ninjas, they knew they had to watch out for their marks. They could easily set something ablaze and get away with it. We were known for our marks, so to take precautions, we never take off our mask, unless in front of other clan members or by our significant others.

This rule was only created because of Orochimaru. The snake eliminated most of our clan and took our marks. I wasn't one for revenge, but I wanted to take my clan's marks back to where they belong.

I get back home and take a shower. I soon get my stuff and move out the compound. Being that my clan is small, we live on the outskirts of Konoha. I was told that I had a neighbor who was my teammate. Maybe I'll get to see him. Hopefully he or she isn't an idiot.

I finally move into my home and I jump onto the couch feeling tired. It took a while. After I caught my breath, I decided to meet my new teammate and neighbor.

I walk out and knock he/her door. The door opens and I see a blonde ninja about the size of me. He reminds me of the sun. He looks like he could be trusted. I gaze off as I think of him.

"Uh, hey, you ok?" he asked me. Snapping out of my daze I say "Yeah, sorry I just moved next door and I wanted to meet you." I say emotionlessly to him. He looks at me with confusion then opens up with a smile. "My name is Naruto and I'm gonna be Hokage, Believe It!" My eyes widen at his enthusiasm.

"My name is Y/N, but you can call me N/N when we're alone. Have you eaten dinner yet?" I asked. He nods no but says "I was gonna go to Ichiraku Ramen, you wanna come?" he asks me enthusiastically. "Sure." I follow him to the famous ramen shop he speaks highly about.


After the meeting with Kakashi-sensei, I went back home. It was kind of odd to me. Home. Who was I going to home to? Thinking of this question, I turn back around and head to a river on the outskirts of Konoha.

As I sat there, I see a girl standing there with headphones. I can hear her humming quietly to the song. She sounds almost angelic, it reminded me of my mother. Being uncomfortable with this thought, I went back to walking around Konoha.

Soon enough, I saw the same girl with that idiot Naruto. I don't remember Naruto having any other friends. I then scoff and walk back to my hom- the place I once called home.

 I then scoff and walk back to my hom- the place I once called home

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song played:
sweater weather - the neighborhood

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