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trying so hard not to reuse songs

trying so hard not to reuse songs

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I groggily open my eyes to see a blank ceiling above me. I try to sit up but my weight pulls me down as it hurts painfully.

"Don't try and move so easily." I hear a familiar voice say. I look to my left to see Kakashi-sensei staring at me with his elbow on his knees and his hands under his chin.

"We sealed your curse mark, but remember it's only as strong as you will, so please don't break it." I informs me.

I look around to see the full hospital room and i beside to the window. I'm back home. I'm back in Konoha. It's thriving as ever as I see citizens walking around doing their everyday tasks.

"I bet Naruto and Sakura would want to see you." He tells me. I shake my head vigorously as I sit up abruptly.

My voice breaks as I say "No, no, no.." he only stares me down. "Fine, but you can't avoid them forever. If you're feeling up to it, head to the Hokage's office."

He walks out my room and leaves me to my thoughts. I miss Naruto and Sakura but what if they don't accept me? Is Sasuke even going to look for me? What about Leader-sama?

I crash onto the bed with my hand on my forehead after overthinking so much. I see my now clean clothes as I reach over to it and still see my headband and my headphones.









I blast the song in my ears as my eyes become watery and I watch time pass by looking at how the village has become.

I cover myself with my blanket and snuggle underneath the sheets. Whether for the better or the worst, things have surely changed.

I open my eyes as my body feels more energetic and I quickly change into my clothes. I leave the cloak off so I don't draw attention and I tie my headband on neck, not desperate for attention.

I find myself walking out the hospital through the window and I jump from roof to roof heading to the office.

If I see correctly, there's another Hokage by looking at the mountain. And its a woman too! Jackpot!!

I smile as I walk the halls excited to see the new Hokage. I knock the door eagerly as I hear a stern 'come-in' and I walk in nervously as I look towards her and another woman beside her.

"Who are you?" She eyes my headband and goes back up to my eyes. "My name is Y/N Moyasu," I pull off my mask to show my moon mark.

"I was originally kidnapped by Orochimaru during the chunin exams and now Kakashi-sensei found me and asked for me to come to the office."

She looks at me suspiciously. I only sweat under her gaze. "I can assure she's telling the truth. She used to be apart of Team 7 before the whole Sasuke fiasco."

Kakashi-sensei steps behind me. "Alright, I'm going to have to test your skills again to see your rank. Is that it?"

I look towards her as I think about the last few years. "No, I have valuable information to inform you about, including Sasuke and the Akatsuki."

Her eyes widen as well as her assistant as she doesn't seem to say anything. "Let's talk about this somewhere more private."

She leads me down to the interrogation building as I only gulp from the stains on the wall.

We sit down as she looks at me expectedly for the information and I only try to swallow my guilty conscience as it doesn't go away.

"When I was kidnapped by Orochimaru, I wasn't really able to see Sasuke other to know he killed him and successfully escaped.

I was able to escape too with a partner of mine, but soon we were enlisted by Leader-sama,"

"Leader-sama?" She interrupts as Kakashi-sensei and her look at me in confusion. "Pein, the leader of the Akatsuki." I confess.

She tells me to keep going. "We did basic missions as I was assigned to different members including Deidara, Sasori, Hidan, and Kakuzu, now all killed in action."

Kakashi-sensei looks at me worriedly as he pieces together the clues I told him. "All I know is that there's Pein, Konan, Tobi, and Zetsu. My partner left the Akatsuki and now lives as a regular rogue ninja, for the others,

I only know pieces of their abilities, but I don't really know how they work. They're after all the jinchurikis but I don't know what they're trying to accomplish.

They're after Naruto and it isn't going to be long until they attack the village and Sasuke is also after revenge on his brother with a newfound team.

I was on this team until Kakashi-sensei found me and here I am now." She takes in the information. All the guilty things I've done. They all now know. My eyes feel watery as I look to the ground in shame.

"Thank you for owing up to your actions, not a lot of people can do that. You'll be under surveillance for the time being, but I can see where your loyalty stays put." She tells me.

"Thank you so much...?" I imply for her name. "Lady Tsunade and Shizune." She nods to me. Kakashi-sensei walks me out and we walk in silence.

"You never mentioned your attempted suicide." Kakashi-sensei looks towards me. I avoid his gaze as I only look forward not knowing where we're going.

"What happened?" He stops me and we sit down somewhere away from the crowd. "It was after Sasori, Kakuzu, and Hidan died. Most of the members were actually humans no matter how they seemed hostile or dangerous.

They cared for me and I cared for them. Deidara was the one of the ones left that I became close to. He promised me he wasn't going to leave me, but he did and I don't know what I was thinking!"

I feel the tears coming and Kakashi stares at me worriedly. "I found myself at a cliff and I fell and I almost drowned. But Sasuke saved me and I'm grateful for that."

Kakashi-sensei takes me shoulder and I look back to him. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, being a shinobi is hard, especially when you have others you care about in this line of work."

We begin to walk again and head somewhere familiar but I can't put my finger on it. We then stop and I see the sign at the top.

'Moyasu Compound'

—————————————————>song played:you found me - the fray

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song played:
you found me - the fray

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